She came in silken veils
Like aurora in her sails
And the siren fled at the scent of her chador
The hood of her candor
My beloved Princess Sunniya
She is the loveliest damsel in all Arabia.
I took her in my arms under the shimmering glow of the blue moon
I carried her like a baby on my laps and fed her with my golden spoon.
She smiled and her golden tooth glittered
She laughed and I tittered
Two star-crossed lovers
Across the borders
For love knows no boundary
Love is for all and sundry.
Oh! Sunniya!
Will you come tomorrow in just Blouse and miniskirt?
Just to let them see those awesome legs.
Straight and smooth as if greased with the olive oil
You will look like the sunflower in the loamy soil.
It’s against my faith
And you know my faith is my strength.
Sunniya, the hood does not make the Nun
C’mon, let your hair down and have fun.
Sunniya is a Sunni Muslim.
And she is tall and slim.
Then, I quickly brought out the script from the Imam
And I read it all to her.
"NOWHERE in the Glorious Qur'an does Allah Almighty ask Muslims to wear a certain kind of dress. In other words, there is NO sartorial regimentation in Islam! The word "Libaas" (dress) is certainly used in the Qur'an, but it is used with "Taqwa": WA LIBAASUT TAQWA, ZAALIKA KHAIR (7: 26) - the dress of PIETY is the best dress!"
"What is the use of wearing an "Islamic" dress (IF there were such a dress) when our heart inside is BLACK - "Bo blink, BINNE STINK" - as they say in Afrikaans, that is, shines on the outside, but STINKS INSIDE! A well-known Hadith of our Nabi (S) makes matters absolutely clear: "VERILY ALLAH DOES NOT LOOK AT YOUR PERSON/FACES (whether bearded or clean-shaven, veiled (with Ninja-purdah) or unveiled, what type of dress you wear, etc.,) NOR (DOES ALLAH LOOK AT) HOW MUCH WEALTH YOU POSSESS, BUT HE CERTAINLY LOOKS AT YOUR HEARTS (how clean they are) AND AT YOUR DEEDS."
Until, your saliva fills up my cup.
Sunniya left in my T-Shirt and boxers with my Nike trainers.
You should have seen her!
She was a delight to all the onlookers.
Oh! My Sunniya!
I also made a post in your honour in the forum of www.ukraine.com
You are welcome.
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