Saturday, June 21, 2008

Pink's Wool Industry Video Exposé


PETA would rather see women go naked than wear fur, because the Animal Rights organization is against harming or killing animals for the sake of promoting any particular fashion such as wearing fur.

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Pink has long shunned fur and often opts for alternatives to leather. Now, she has joined PETA's campaign to expose the horrendous, hidden cruelty in the wool industry. Between her time in the studio and performing sold-out shows, Pink sat down with PETA to narrate the video exposing the bizarre cruelty behind Australia's massive merino sheep trade.

Join PETA today!

1 comment:

morgant said...

Sheep are raised in crowded, unhealthy conditions where they emit large amounts of greenhouse gasses, like methane, into the atmosphere. Mass production of sheep causes pollution and disease problems for local waterways and grasslands. Penned sheep eat feed grains like wheat and corn which drive up the price of grain to 2nd and 3rd world countries, keeping food prices high and continuing endemic poverty and famine that assure that when the poor are not starving they are targets for radicalization by terrorist groups and organized criminal organizations.