Friday, May 09, 2008

The Paradox of Norma Khouri's "Forbidden Love"

Forbidden Love: A Harrowing True Story of Love and Revenge in Jordan.

A beautiful Arabian Muslim living in Amman falls in love with Michael, a Catholic in the Royal Army. An ancient tradition encourages the murder of women considered to have dishonored the family. This book has a new title in 2004.

Norma Majid Khouri Michael al-Bagain Toliopoulos

Norma Khouri's melodramatic love story was a literary hoax.
Watch the video documentary of "Forbidden Lies".

Whenever the jury of hypocrites want to condemn anyone, I always remind them of the woman caught in adultery, whom our Lord and Master Jesus Christ delivered and saved her life from the lynch mob of her accusers. So, to the jury that rushed to condemn Norma Khouri, if you have never told a lie, do not buy her book, "Forbidden Love" again. But if you have lied before, forgive her and buy her book as a novel and instead of calling it fake, let's call it fiction.
God knows that honour killings are not fiction in the Islamic nations.

Norma Kouri's story made millions of ignorant people in the world to know about the shocking abuse and murder of innocent Muslim girls and women in the satanic honour killings still being practiced in Islamic countries.

If sinners will not be forgiven, then you and I would be forbidden to enter the Kingdom of God.

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