Sunday, October 02, 2011

So, My Dear, Do You Reason With Your Brains or Your Boobs?

My Dear, I know you are highly lifted upfront.
But sometimes I do wonder if you reason with your brains or your huge boobs that you often bounce about on the street in your desperate attempt to attract my attention.
Okay! I have noticed your huge water melons.
But I would be more impressed if the awesome size of your mammary glands even correspond with your IQ.
The last article you wrote to convince me that women think faster than men looks more like a piece written by a primary three pupil in a public school in Nigeria than a first year student at a university in Lagos.
I wonder how you gained admission?
Through JAMB or through your loins?

Okay, sweetheart. I agree that 21st century "Bobby soxer" babes like you don't even need brains to make ends meet since your huge boobs can open doors for you and even gatecrash your way from the bottom of the bedroom to the top of the boardroom.
Bootylicious and boobilicious babe with those big bouncy tits can even become the next First Lady of Nigeria,
After all I just read on Kisses and Roses that ex-Playboy Bunny Holly Madison Insured her breasts for $1 Million.

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