Photo Credit: A Writer's Desk.
There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love.
~ << 1 John 4:18 >>
A Letter To My Girlfriend On Her Baggage
My Dear,
I would rather swallow the bitter pills of truth than kiss the lips of lies.
Those who forget or refuse to learn from the past are most likely to repeat the follies and mistakes in the present and the future. Therefore, beware of those who are afraid to talk about their past life, because the consequences of our past actions affect the present circumstances and the future for or against us.
Reflecting, reviewing and talking about the past will make us wiser in the present and the future. So, don’t be afraid to talk about your past to free yourself from whatever baggage you are still carrying about. The only way to deal with your excess baggage is by bring it out of the closet or wardrobe and separate the sense from the nonsense and don’t carry the burden with you again.
Everyone has a baggage, but some keep piling up their baggage and end up with excess baggage. So, Everyone brings baggage into a relationship.
My dear, may I recommend you watch Baggage - Hosted by Jerry Springer.
What has happened has happened. Just make sure that you have nothing to hide that will later haunt and torment you.
You had better let your cat out of the bag yourself before another person does so and the cat attacks you!
Face the realities of life with the courage to conquer and overcome all the challenges of the battlefield of this world, because you either conquer or be conquered.
Only by our actions do we prove our love.
If we cannot be honest with each other, then we do not truly love each other.
~ Orikinla Osinachi, author of Scarlet Tears of London.


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