Disconnect: A New Movie Sounds the Alarm About Our Hyper-Connected Lives.
~ Arianna Huffington, President and Editor-in-Chief at The Huffington Post Media Group.
Technology cannot disconnect me from my personal relationships.
I don't look at the computer at home after work. And this is my choice.
My laptop is my news desk or story board and not rendezvous. And cannot replace unwinding at the club or local pub.
From the street to the internet the heart still beats from our brains and not from our computers.
I don't blame technology for our distractions, but ourselves, because we made technology and technology did not make us and so like the light bulb, radio and TV, we can always turn it on or turn it off. What causes addiction to technology are not the tools and toys (gadgets), but our defeatism and escapism. Like blogging to me is another form of writing and social networking is the new Pen Pal. So, no matter how absorbing technology may be, you have the power to use it as a tool or a toy to even enhance your interpersonal communication and boost your intimate and corporate relationships with others and use technology to break down all barriers and limits of communication which is what we are doing here anyway and if we can get multiple orgasms from mobile phone sex, then technology cannot stop us from having our best life now. Man made the machine, the machine did not make man. Enjoy.
~ By Ekenyerengozi Michael Chima

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