Thursday, October 12, 2006

The Memoirs of Helen of Troy: A Novel

Who does not know the classical romantic tragedy of the celebrated beauty Helen of Troy?

I have read, studied and watched the films and the latest being Troywith Brad Pitt playing Achilles so well.

The half-immortal daughter of Zeus by Leda, queen of Sparta, Helen grows up nearly friendless, for her looks arouse women's jealousy. Her youthful sexuality awakened by Theseus, Helen quickly learns that her beauty is both a source of power and a curse. When she abandons her dull husband, Menelaus, for handsome Paris Alexandros of Troy and she became the curse that was the downfall of Troy.

The Memoirs of Helen of Troy: A Novel by Actress and author Leslie Carroll (Miss Match) checks in under an assumed name Amanda Elyot for her debut historical romance. You will enjoy it.


Keshi said...

sounds very interesting. I heard abt a Helen of Troy b4 but never knew her story in detail.


EKENYERENGOZI Michael Chima said...


Have you read any of the books I recommended here?

Have you even read my own?

God bless.

eastcoastlife said...

Hi! Came to your blog through blogexplosion. I will check out the books that you recommend here & ....your books.
Cheers from Singapore!

EKENYERENGOZI Michael Chima said...

Welcome and I appreciate your words.

God bless.