Saturday, March 30, 2013
71% of Men Still in Love After Their Wives Cheated On Them

29 Mar 2013 13:40 Africa/Lagos
71% of Men Still in Love After Their Wives Cheat, Finds Large-Scale Survey from Relationship Expert Kevin Jackson
Relationship coach weighs in on new evidence that men no longer quickly divorce after their wife is unfaithful.
IRVINE, Calif., March 29, 2013 /PRNewswire/ -- When it comes to getting cheated on, men may be much more forgiving than previously thought - at least according to the largest survey ever of husbands who have been cheated on.
Querying over 1500 "cuckolded" males online, the survey asked the question "Do you still love your wife, even after she had the affair?" Shockingly, more than 71% of men polled answered "yes" to that question.
What's so significant about this latest finding?
According to Kevin Jackson, the internationally recognized relationship expert who orchestrated the survey, this information flies in the face of the common belief that if a man ever found out his wife was unfaithful, he would quickly and dispassionately divorce her.
It seems that men's feelings of love - and their desire to forgive - are much stronger than previously thought.
"Of the hundreds of men I've worked with, most are very committed to healing the marriage, despite the infidelity," says Jackson, who is the author of Survive Her Affair and creator of the Internet's first forum exclusively for husbands who have been cheated on. "These men are heartbroken, but are desperate to keep their marriages and family intact - despite their own emotional devastation and their wife's breach of trust."
But that's not all. Men were also asked if they wanted to save their marriage after the infidelity. Less than 8% of the men surveyed responded that they didn't want to save their marriage. Most either wanted to heal the marriage, or we're at least considering it.
"Our cultural norm is to think that most men would want to play the field, if given a chance," says Jackson. "But this survey - along with my own personal research - suggests that men may actually be the more committed sex. Men have a strong sense of duty and responsibility to keep the family intact - even when their wife commits an intimate betrayal."
A summary of other key results from this ground-breaking survey can be found by visiting
About Kevin Jackson:
Kevin Jackson is an internationally recognized relationship expert who, after being betrayed himself, has gone on to help thousands of men recover quickly from their wife's affair. He is the author of Survive Her Affair, creator of the exclusive Survive Her Affair Online Forum, and has designed a proven 4-step approach that allows men to successfully heal from infidelity. He's available for interviews and speaking engagements.
Kevin Jackson
This press release was issued through eReleases® Press Release Distribution. For more information, visit
SOURCE Kevin Jackson
Web Site:


Friday, March 29, 2013
In Him We Have Redemption Through His blood

7 In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of God’s grace.
8 that he lavished on us. With all wisdom and understanding.
~ Ephesians 1:7-8, Holy Bible (New International Version).
Friday, March 29, 2013
Lest We Forget
"But He [Jesus] was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities; The chastisement for our peace was upon Him, And by His stripes we are healed."1
Today is Good Friday, the day we remember with profound appreciation that it was for this day that Jesus came to earth … to die in our place on that cruel Roman cross to save us from the terrible consequences of sin—a disease far deadlier than AIDS or any other disease that is a physical death sentence.
Today, we also remember that Jesus Christ was not an ordinary man. True, he was a man but he was and is the Son of the Living God—the Great Creator who became our Savior—the one who laid aside his external garments of deity, stepped out of the Ivory Palaces of Heaven, clothed himself in a garment of human flesh and came to earth to pay the redemption price for our sin. He died on the cross in your place and mine. In so doing he provided the only cure for the deadly disease of sin whose sentence is spiritual and eternal death.
Today, we remember, too, that without Jesus as our Savior, we would be headed for hell from which there is no escape beyond the grave. Wherever and whatever hell is we can be sure of this, it is eternal disconnection from God the author of all love and life—cut off forever from all love and all loving relationships. Such consequences are unthinkable.
And today we need to remember that Jesus died for us because he loved us far more than we can even begin to understand. As another has said, Jesus would rather go to hell for us than to go to heaven without us! This he did when he died on the cross in your place and in mine.
Jesus gave his life that we might live. In thanksgiving to him for his unspeakable gift, may we give our life to live for him—to help spread the gospel so that others might also live. For without Jesus, people are lost forever!
If you have never thanked Jesus for dying on the cross to pay the price for your sins, I urge you to do this today, and accept Jesus as your Savior and receive God's forgiveness and the assurance of a home in heaven forever. To help you be sure to read the article, "How to Be Sure You're a Real Christian—without having to be religious at: and/or "God's Invitation" at:
Suggested prayer: "Dear God, how can I ever thank you enough for loving me enough to give your Son Jesus to die on the cross in my place to pay the penalty for all my sins? And dear Jesus I do thank you from the depths of my heart for what you did for me. Please help me to live a life of thanksgiving to you always in all ways. Thank you for hearing and answering my prayer. Gratefully, in Jesus' name, amen."
1. Isaiah 53:5 (NKJV).
<:>< With Love from Handel's Messiah!
George Frideric Handel's musical masterpiece MESSIAH, illustrated with beautiful motion pictures and short narrative between the songs to tell the Biblical story behind the music. This presentation emphasizes the purpose of Jesus' life, death and resurrection. Features The Academy of Ancient Music, Christopher Hogwood conductor, and the Smithsonian Chamber Players. 54 minutes. A DVD of this film is available for $6. Call 614-882-2126, or go to Associated Bible Students of Central Ohio.

The Sexiest Actress in Nigeria

Damilola Adegbite, The Sexiest Actress in Nigeria

She is the new sex symbol of the silver screen in Nigeria, from becoming famous as ‘Thelma Duke’ in Tinsel, Mnet Africa's first ever Nigerian soap-opera that made her a household name with millions of fans following on TV and guys drooling over her from Lagos to Johannesburg and so captivating as the florist Kemi in African Movie Academy Award winner, Michelle Bello's must see romantic comedy Flower Girl. She is Damilola Adegbite, the sexiest actress in Nigeria and she is poised to be the next Queen of Nollywood after the world famous Genevieve Nnaji.

Damilola at the Lagos Valentine’s Day première of Flower Girl.
Have you ever tasted hot red tomatoes?
Curvaceous Damilola is hotter than that!
Heads cannot help turning in her direction whenever she appears on the street or on the red carpet. She is the cynosure of the stage and the belle of the ball.
About the Author:
Ekenyerengozi Michael Chima, aka "Orikinla Osinachi", is a prize winning Nigerian writer, most prolific African blogger and author of Children of Heaven, Sleepless Night, Scarlet Tears of London, Bye, Bye Mugabe, In the House of Dogs, Diary of the Memory Keeper, The Prophet Lied, co-author of Naked Beauty and editor of The Language of True Love. He has written many articles, commentaries and news reports published by Technorati, Blogcritics, Huliq, Yahoo Voices, Shvoong, Gather, Huffington Post, Face2Face Africa, Black Film Maker, Nigeria Films and Modern Ghana. Michael Chima is also the Founder/Festival Director of the annual Eko International Film Festival and Founder/CEO of Screen Outdoor Open Air Cinema, member of the Projection Foundation promoting the Screen Naija One Village, One Cinema project in Nigeria, the most populous country in Africa and home of Nollywood, Africa's largest film industry of which he is a major stakeholder in movies and cinemas.
© Orikinla Osinachi. 2013. No reproduction in any format of media without the authorization and permission of the copyright owner and publisher.


Thursday, March 28, 2013
Nigerian TV Beauty Clara Chinwe Okoro
Meet Nigerian TV beauty Clara Chinwe Okoro, CEO of BrandWorld TV and Publisher of ICE magazine.
She is from Arondizuogu in Imo State of Eastern Nigeria.
Her beauty secret?
I rely on God for everything.
I just ask him for the peace of mind and strength to face every challenge I meet and He does it.
Beauty routine
I use a lot of natural products from the south of France because I have extremely sensitive skin. I don’t put chemicals on my skin. I don’t even use make-up except on rare occasions because I break out so easily that I was told to avoid putting any form of chemical on my skin.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013
Africa's Biggest Literary Prize Calls for Entries To Win $100, 000

Onaedo: The Blacksmith’s Daughter by Ngozi Achebe made the final shortlist of three books for the 2012 Nigeria Prize for Literature.
$100, 000 is up for grabs in Africa's biggest literary prize for writers. But it is for only Nigerian authors!
The Nigeria Prize for Literature endowed by the Nigeria LNG Limited 2013 is not only the biggest prize for literature in Africa, but among the top richest literary prizes in the world for literature.
The prize rotates among four literary genres - prose fiction, poetry, drama and children’s literature. This year, the competition is for Poetry.
The competition is open only to published works by Nigerian writers irrespective of place of residence. It carries a reward of $100,000.
Click here for more details of the prize.

Saturday, March 23, 2013
In the Month of the Ashes of Great Souls

I turned my face to the wall, because I did not want anyone to see my tears as I gazed at the front page The Guardian on Saturday. The headline and his portrait stared at me.
Achebe, Big Iroko, Falls.
The last time I saw a great Iroko tree fall was as a child in my village of Umuekuele Aforugiri in Ohuhu of Umuahia North local government area in Abia State and the whole village was thrown into 30 days of mourning with feasting for a fallen tree.
Achebe was mightier than an Iroko tree. He was the awesome Ugo, the great eagle that can soar higher than any other bird in the sky.
The great eagle that dared to fly even in the eclipse of the sun.
The great eagle that flew over the seven seas.
The great eagle has flown away with the immortal spirits of our great ancestors.
I know that the whole of his Ikenga-Ogidi community must be covered in sackcloth with long faces casting long shadows of mourners with grimaces of sorrows.
“No matter the reality, after the initial shock, and a sense of abandonment, we confidently assert that Chinua lives. His works provide their enduring testimony to the domination of the human spirit over the forces of repression, bigotry, and retrogression.”
~ J. P. CLARK and Wole SOYINKA, the Guardian of Saturday March 23, 2013.
Before the passage of the great Achebe at 82, the great Yoruba Christian missionary, Prophet Timothy Obadare passed on in Akure on Thursday March 21, 2013 at 83. While millions of people have been touched by the enchanted words of Achebe in his numerous books, millions of people have been moved by the awesome testimonies and miracles of Obadare, the founder of the popular evangelical mission World Soul Winning Evangelical Ministry (WOSEM) in Nigeria and abroad.
Then I opened the white envelope from our neighbor Mr. Agiande.
I could guess what was inside.
The invitation to the obsequies of his great father, Pa Thompson Abakam Agiande of Bebuabie Village in Obudu, Cross River State. He was 93 years old.
Yes. Pa Agiande was a great man.
The grandfather of beautiful grand daughters and wonderful grandsons including my best friends in Nigeria, Roy, Thompson, Emmanuel and Cynthia who are well bred children of gentleman Mr. Agiande and his God sent wife Mrs. Agiande.
One day when I suddenly passed out it was in their home that I was revived. Even when the first copy of The Prophet Lied arrived from the American publishers, I happily showed it to the Agiandes who have never failed to lift my spirits out of the doldrums of despair and increased the momentum of the wind I needed to fly higher to greater heights of success. So, I thank God for the long life of Pa Agiande, and pray to be blessed like wisely with each passing day as we continue the great journey home with the echoes of the voices of our wise men and women blowing in the winds and in our caravans we tell the unforgettable tales of this month of the ashes of great souls.
~ By Ekenyerengozi Michael Chima, aka Orikinla Osinachi, prize winning Nigerian writer, most prolific African blogger and author of Children of Heaven, Sleepless Night, Scarlet Tears of London, Bye, Bye Mugabe, In the House of Dogs, Diary of the Memory Keeper, The Prophet Lied, co-author of Naked Beauty and editor of The Language of True Love. He has written many articles, commentaries and news reports published by Technorati, Blogcritics, Huliq, Yahoo Voices, Shvoong, Gather, Huffington Post, Face2Face Africa, Black Film Maker, Nigeria Films and Modern Ghana.


D' Adshas 50/50 Love Banger Will Thrill You!
Definitely Deo Adelokiki and Shosho Adelokiki, the D'Adshas have come a long way from the underground in Nigerian hip hop to become the hottest sisters in music with their hit songs "Ima", "Omo Naija" and "Temptation" which kept people nodding and grating on the dance floor at parties and clubs and now this 50/50 is without any doubt the dance hall club banger you have been waiting for from these black and beautiful African sex symbols of the music industry.

50/50 is produced and mixed by Future and this fantastic music video is produced by the celebrated Clarence Peters who is the most sought after music video director in Nigeria.
You can listen and download 50/50 on
About the D'Adshas

D'Adshas is a female music duo of two lovely sisters born and raised in Calabar, Deo Kiki and Shosho Kiki. After the release of their debut album Ima (Love) in 2008 which enjoyed massive airplay home and beyond, D'Adshas followed up with three (3) fantastic singles one of which is Tinkinikinik ft Dammy Krane others are Omo Naija and Temptation ft General Pype. The Afro Pop singers D' Adshas return with another brand new single titled 50/50 (Give n Take)"

Friday, March 22, 2013
Tribute To Chinua Achebe: Patriarch of Modern African Literature

Chinua Achebe (16 November 1930 – 21 March 2013).
When I was a boy growing up in Nigeria, becoming a novelist was a far-away dream.
~ Chinua Achebe as the recipient of the 2010 Dorothy and Lillian Gish Prize, when he was the David and Marianna Fisher University Professor and professor of Africana studies at Brown University, USA.
I thought today would be one of my happiest days.
I was well dressed in my favourite blue shirt and cream trousers and black shoes. And I thanked God its Friday.
I had an appointment to interview Greek Nigerian singer Jojo Stavro at D'Stage on Modupe Johnson Crescent in Surulere, Lagos.
I had to see my one and only first lady before entering the car.
She knew where I was going to.
"What should I get you?" I asked her.
"Anything you want to," she replied.
She hardly asked me for anything, because she knew I would always get her what she loved.
Even the gold necklace to be customized for her is coming without her asking for it.
She had a headache yesterday and I told her to get rid of all negative thoughts.
But I could not keep the shocking news from her.
"They said Chinua Achebe is dead," I told her slowly and not aloud.
She was speechless for a moment.
"But I will not report it until the news is confirmed," I said.
She sighed.
I love her so much that I don't want anything to upset her.
The report of the death of a loved one leaves a sour taste in the mouth and sudden cold with fever may grip you.
We all loved Achebe.
She loves books and I always give her special gifts of books and she loves my books too and even has a copy of one of my books that no one else has in Nigeria.
The book is not yet distributed in Nigeria.
I wanted her to be happy.
But how can we be happy today when the bad news of the passing of one of the greatest men of books is making headlines and making us sad?
She was sober.
I left still thinking of her and reflecting on the awesome literary life of Chinua Achebe.
How would Wole Soyinka take it?
Soyinka the first black Nobel Prize winner in literature loved and respected Achebe and both of them are regarded as the pillars of the phenomenal greatness of Nigerian literature in Africa and the rest of the world. They have inspired millions of us.
Chinua Achebe’s all time classic Things Fall Apart has been a must read for decades since the publication in 1958. The novel has sold 11 million copies so far and translated into more than 50 languages. And the other books following have established him as a literary genius and icon of modern literature winning many highly coveted prizes and academic honours that made him one of the most decorated writers in history.
As I sit in my office to write this short tribute, my youngest best friend Janet is knocking at the door as she returns from nursery school accompanied by her mother who is pregnant with another baby who will be two years younger than Janet who celebrated her second birthday in January. Janet cannot pass by my office without saying hello and she has been doing so for over a year. Her parents and neighbors are awed by our remarkable friendship which began when she was not yet a year old.
I open the door and let her in as she greets cheerfully and then passes through the backdoor of the office to rejoin her mother in the verandah leading to their flat at the back of the block. Then I return to continue writing my tribute.
All adults were once as little Janet, innocent and free and totally oblivious of growing old and then passing away one day.
We are all innocent of our existence on earth. None of us asked to be born.
At times like this, I reflect on life from the womb to the tomb and the thoughts of losing beautiful and wonderful people leave me dumb and numb.
I want to celebrate life and live life in love, peace and unity and not in fear and sorrow of an uncertain tomorrow.
So, as we mourn the greatest patriarch of Nigerian literature Chinua Achebe, let us celebrate the illustrious life of his wonderful prose, poetry and drama of the romance of human existence in a mysterious world.
I know that there will never be another Chinua Achebe, but I trust God to comfort the bereaved families, friends, relations, associates, well wishers and the rest of us and give us more grace to appreciate the geniuses still living and walking among us. They many not shine as bright as Achebe and his peers, but they are still shining stars illuminating our world in their own special ways.
Achebe has played his great role on the stage of life, let us not forget to play our own roles even with more challenges and do greater exploits that will make the world remember Achebe as our great inspiration for the manifestation of the kindred spirits of a new generation that will lead our beloved nation to rock and rule the world.
~ By Ekenyerengozi Michael Chima, aka Orikinla Osinachi, prize winning Nigerian writer, most prolific African blogger and author of Children of Heaven, Sleepless Night, Scarlet Tears of London, Bye, Bye Mugabe, In the House of Dogs, Diary of the Memory Keeper, The Prophet Lied, co-author of Naked Beauty and editor of The Language of True Love. He has written many articles, commentaries and news reports published by Technorati, Blogcritics, Huliq, Yahoo Voices, Shvoong, Gather, Huffington Post, Face2Face Africa, Black Film Maker, Nigeria Films and Modern Ghana.
Chinua Achebe

Thursday, March 21, 2013
Every Woman Needs A Lube

Lube makes vaginal sex more comfortable and enjoyable and does so much more than that. It protects your vagina from tears where unwanted bacteria may infect and cause yeast infections. Lube also prevents your vagina from smelling.
So, every woman needs lube even if you are not having sex, you can still use it to lubricate your vagina regularly.
The following are the lubes we recommend.

Important Information

Safety Warning
Pre-Seed does not harm sperm. It is not a contraceptive. Keep out of reach of children. If irritaion occurs, discontinue use immediately, and if it persists, consult a physician. The applicators are single-use only. If additional lubrication is desired, use a new applicator or apply by hand. DO NOT REUSE APPLICATOR. Do not leave cap off product! To retain properties, cap must be tightly replaced after each use. Store at 36 to 86 F.
Pre-Seed lubricant supplements the body's own natural fluids to relieve friction and enhance comfort of intimate sexual activity. It is safe for use by couples who are trying to conceive. Pre-Seed lubricant may be applied to vaginal or penile tissues to provide lubrication and moisture. Compatible with latex and polyurethane condoms
Purified water, Hydroxyethylcellulose, Pluronic, Sodium Chloride, Sodium Phosphate, Carbomer, Methylparaben, Sodium Hydroxide, Arabinogalactan, Potassium Phosphate, Propylparaben.
Pre-Seed lubricant best mimics natural secretions when applied inside the vagina, prior to intercourse. Do not store product in applicator for more than 30 minutes prior to use. See enclosed insert for complete directions. Pre-seed lubricant can also be applied by hand directly to the genital area. For external application or use with condoms apply Pre-Seed by hand directly to the genital area.
Product Description
Pre-Seed supplements the body's own natural lubricating fluids to moisturize, relieve friction and to enhance the ease and comfort of intimate sexual activity. Pre-Seed is safe for use by couples who are trying to conceive and may be applied to vaginal tissues for lubrication and moisturizing. It is compatible with latex and polyurithane condoms.

The Search is On for Mo’s Co-Host on Moments With Mo

The Search is On for Mo’s Co-Host on Moments With Mo

TINAPA, CALABAR (DECEMBER 17, 2012) The search is now on for a co-Host on the internationally acclaimed TV talk show, Moments with Mo. Moments with Mo, Africa’s first and only syndicated daily talk show is shopping for a young, charming, brilliant, exciting and dynamic person to co-Host the long-running, but now even more rejuvenated show, alongside its pioneering Host, Mo Abudu.
The talk show, which has become a household name for featuring the widest and most interesting array of guests, from Presidents, Governors and Celebrities, to unsung everyday people who are doing extraordinary things, will in the coming months, wear a refreshingly different look as it is going to constantly feature a zesty co-Host alongside the good old, vintage appearance of the inspirational Mo.
Sandra Amadio, Associate Director Programmes, Magazine & Talk – EbonyLife TV, had this to say about the new Moments with Mo. “This is a great chance for hot, fresh and brilliant young people who have been dreaming of being on the hot seat to interview top celebrities. It’s the chance to be in the spotlight alongside Mo to present top celebrities and happening people to a pan African audience, from the younger person’s perspective”.
Apart from the more youthful twist being introduced into the show, the entire look and feel of the set is also going to change from show to show. The set design will constantly be innovative, invigorating and refreshing, while underlining the quintessential global black disposition of the EbonyLife TV network.
According to Amadio, “the Show is getting jazzed up with a whole new look and feel and a new co-Host. It’s a whole new Show. You can look forward to seeing Mo Abudu co-Host the show with some of Nigeria’s young top talents. The show will continue to feature interesting, thought provoking and engaging topics that are relevant to a pan African and global audience”.
Talking further about the ambience of the talk Show, Amadio said, “There’s also a unique concept based on an interchangeable look and feel to the set, inspired by one of Nigeria’s biggest talk show hosts”.
The new Moments with Mo is one of the enthralling programmes in a compelling bouquet billed for launch on the eagerly anticipated EbonyLife TV channel in April 2013. EbonyLife TV will sit exclusively on the DStv platform through which it will immediately be transmitting to and watched in over 46 African Countries and by over 8 million viewers. EbonyLife TV’s Roll Out distribution strategy also includes Sky TV in the UK, DISH in the United States, Brazil, Canada and other parts of Europe.
EbonyLife TV is Africa’s first multi-broadcast media and entertainment network set to produce over 700 unprecedented hours of premium and original content made in Africa for a global audience and designed to reach its target demography through unique media platforms which include TV, Web, Mobile, Apps and Live.
The new Moments with Mo is therefore intended to appeal to a younger audience demography and will continue to produce a rich and diverse range of topics, including lifestyle, health, music, art, culture, politics and tradition, with a great deal of dynamism.
To get an opportunity to audition for the role of co-Host on the show, interested young persons are to visit for details.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013
Miranda Kerr Uncovered On Vogue Australia!

See the Australian supermodel on set with Vogue Australia for its April 2013 issue - on sale March 18.

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