Monday, December 31, 2007

Bayer Advanced(TM) Celebrates the 119th Rose Parade(R) on January 1, 2008, With its Salute to the Rose Parade Float

31 Dec 2007 01:13 Africa/Lagos

Bayer Advanced(TM) Celebrates the 119th Rose Parade(R) on January 1, 2008, With its Salute to the Rose Parade Float

Parade begins at 11:00 a.m. EST, 8:00 a.m. PST.

Bayer Advanced is the 6th unit (2nd float) in the Rose Parade

RESEARCH TRIANGLE PARK, N.C. and PASADENA, Calif., Dec. 30 /PRNewswire/ --

RTP-based Bayer Advanced will celebrate the 119th Rose Parade with its Salute to the Rose Parade float on January 1, 2008, in Pasadena, Calif.

(Photo: )

Bayer Advanced makes consumer rose care products that make it easy to grow Rose Parade quality roses in your own backyard.

The theme for the Rose Parade on New Year's Day is Passport to the World's Celebrations. Bayer Advanced and Pasadena-based float builder Phoenix Decorating have created a float that salutes one of the biggest celebrations in the world -- the Rose Parade.

Bayer Advanced is shooting for its eighth consecutive Rose Parade trophy with its new float.

Key Features of the Bayer Advanced Salute to the Rose Parade Float
Floral Decoration: December 26-30, 2007
Phoenix Decorating's Rosemont Pavilion, 700 Seco Street, Pasadena, Calif.

-- A 20-foot-tall sculpted rose that blooms with a pyrotechnic show.
Streamer cannons.
-- Float riders: A dozen former Rose Parade Queens.
-- More than 16,000 roses, including those named after former Rose Parade
Grand Marshals Mary Pickford (1933), Charlie McCarthy (1940), Bob Hope
(1969), Pele (1987), Reverend Billy Graham (1971), Kate Smith (1976)
and Angela Lansbury (1993), are featured on the Bayer Advanced float.
-- A rose variety named after Christopher Columbus, who is credited with
discovering the New World in 1492.
-- The world debut of the 2008 All-America Rose Selections(TM) winners for
best roses of the New Year -- Dream Come True and Mardi Gras.
-- Onion seed, ground rice, parsley flakes, ground split pea, lettuce
seed, poppy seed and sesame seed in honor of 2008 Rose Parade Grand
Marshal Chef Emeril Lagasse.
-- Float music: Dancing in the Street by Mick Jagger and David Bowie.
-- 55 feet long, 20 feet high and 18 feet wide.
-- Michelle Lofthouse of Phoenix Decorating designed all
of the Bayer Advanced award-winning Rose Parade floats.

"We try to raise the bar each year with our Rose Parade floats," says Mark Schneid, head of marketing for Bayer Advanced. "Our goal is to create the perfect celebration of color on our float because Bayer Advanced rose care products create the perfect celebration of color in gardens all across the country."

Bayer Advanced to Put a Rose in Space as Part of the Salute to the Rose Parade

As part of the Bayer Advanced salute to the Rose Parade, the brand is putting a rose in space. A rose named after the Tournament of Roses(R) will be on next mission of the NASA space shuttle Atlantis.

The rose was grown in the Bayer Advanced-sponsored Wrigley Gardens at the Tournament of Roses Association headquarters in Pasadena. Bayer Advanced products are used to grow all the roses in the Wrigley Gardens.

The Tournament of Roses rose, which was dried in preparation for the shuttle mission, will be one of the personal items taken into space on STS-122 by astronaut Rex Walheim on behalf of his brother Lance Walheim. Lance Walheim is the Bayer Advanced garden expert and selected many of the roses on the Bayer Advanced float.

"We want to make the Rose Parade's Passport to the World's Celebrations an out-of-this-world celebration," says Bayer Advanced Garden Expert Lance Walheim.

Technical problems delayed the December 6, 2007, launch of the shuttle Atlantis. The rose was going to be featured on the 2008 Bayer Advanced float. It will now be featured on the 2009 Bayer Advanced float.

About Bayer Advanced

Bayer Advanced rose care products are the Exclusive Rose Care Products of the Tournament of Roses. Bayer Advanced is a business group of Bayer CropScience LP and part of the Bayer AG family, a Fortune Global 500 company. Members of the Bayer AG family make such well-known brands as Bayer Aspirin, Aleve(R) and Alka-Seltzer(R). Research Triangle Park, N.C., is the business headquarters of Bayer CropScience LP. Kansas City, Mo., is Bayer CropScience LP's core technology center. The global headquarters of Bayer CropScience, AG is located in Monheim, Germany.

Bayer Advanced products deliver Better Science. Better Results. (R) They are available in major garden retailers and independent garden shops across the United States. Bayer Advanced will refund your purchase price if you are not completely satisfied. Always read and follow label instructions. You can learn more by visiting or by calling 1-877-BAYERAG.

Bayer, the Bayer Cross, Bayer Advanced, Better Science. Better Results Aleve and Alka-Seltzer are trademarks of Bayer. Rose Parade and Tournament of Roses are trademarks of Pasadena Tournament of Roses Association. All-America Rose Selections is a trademark of All-America Rose Selections, Inc.

Photo: NewsCom:
AP Archive:
AP PhotoExpress Network: PRN1
PRN Photo Desk,
Source: Bayer Advanced

CONTACT: Brian Pia, +1-205-877-9870 (Office), +1-205-821-3441 (Cell),
Jim Taylor, +1-205-877-9755 (Office), +1-205-422-3767 (Cell), Leigh Anne
Monitor, +1-205-877-9795 (Office), +1-205-478-4295 (Cell), Mariesa Woodring,
+1-205-877-9705 (Office), +1-205-478-4296 (Cell), Lori Merricks,
+1-205-877-9736 (Office), +1-205-422-5756 (Cell), all of Luckie PR, Larry
Palmer, Phoenix Decorating, +1-626-375-1025

Web site:

Happy New Year 2008!

Happy New Year 2008!

I wish you all the best things you need in 2008.

I wish you divine protection and divine provision and divine promotion every day by day in 2008.

I wish you all round success in 2008.

Cheers and God bless you always.

With all my kisses and roses,
Orikinla Osinachi

Friday, December 28, 2007

Benazir Bhutto: The Rose of Pakistan is Crushed in Winter

Benazir Bhutto, June 21, 1953 - December 27, 2007.

It was a tragic Thursday, yesterday, December 27, 2007, as Benazir Bhutto, the twice elected former Prime Minister of Pakistan was murdered in cold blood by an unidentified assassin who blew himself up after shooting her fatally in the neck and chest at her political rally in Rawalpindi, Pakistan.

The Spirit of Rawalpindi

It was in the twilight after the storm in Rawalpindi
I saw a feminine being, looking so fair
In immaculate white shawl, and flowing white robes
She seemed to be walking in mid air.
When the wind blew, I saw her face
It was the radiant face of Benazir
Her eyes were blazing and her lips were red
She brought out her right hand clutching a red Persian Rose flower
She stretched the Persian Rose flower to me.
Roses will grow in this place where my blood was shed.
Roses will blossom and bloom in Rawalpindi
There will be a rose for every Pakistani.
Then I saw a bed of roses under my feet
And I saw her white shawl flying in the air
I heard her voice echoing in the sky.
I am the sacrifice for peace
For Pakistan I have was born and for Pakistan I have lived
and for Pakistan I have shed my blood.
So that every Pakistani may live to see a New Pakistan.

Benazir Bhutto in-front of the portrait of her father Zulfikar Ali Bhutto.

Born on June 21, 1953, Ms. Bhutto, the first child in her family, reveled in telling friends that she was her father’s favorite. One of her most cherished anecdotes about her childhood involved her father’s encouraging her to set aside traditional Muslim views of a woman’s role and to have ambitions beyond the home, a message she said he conveyed with stories about Joan of Arc and Indira Gandhi.

After attending a private Christian-run school in Karachi, where the family maintained a luxurious mansion, Ms. Bhutto studied at Radcliffe College, earning a Harvard B.A. in 1973, and later at Oxford, where she gained a second B.A. in 1976. At Oxford, she was the first woman to become president of the Oxford Union, the prestigious debating society that nurtured several British prime ministers.

New York Times Biography

Arianna Huffington of the Huffington Post who knew her when she was the first female President of the Oxford Union, called her "fearlessness epitomized"

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Married Man: ‘I slept with 13 Women this Week’

Married Man: ‘I slept with 13 women this week’.
Dr. Gail Saltz calls a troubled man a ‘sociopathic sex addict’

Watch video

Inside the mind of a Casanova

Paul Janka loves women, lots of them. In fact this serial seducer said he’s had over 100 bedroom conquests and he’s not apologizing for it. TODAY anchor Meredith Vieira reports.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Life Is a Gift

Thursday, December 27, 2007

1. Life Is a Gift

"Pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus."1

"There was a blind girl [or so the story goes] who hated herself because of her blindness. Not only did she hate herself but she hated everyone else, except her loving boyfriend. He was always there for her. She said that if she could only see the world, she would marry her boyfriend.

"One day someone donated a pair of eyes to her and then she could see everything—including her boyfriend. Her boyfriend asked her, 'Now that you can see the world, will you marry me?' The girl was shocked when she saw that her boyfriend was blind too, and refused to marry him. Her boyfriend walked away in tears, and later wrote a letter to her that simply said, 'Just take care of my eyes dear.'

"Too often we change when our status changes. Only a few remember what life was like before and even fewer remember who to thank for always being there when times were painfully unbearable.

"Life is a gift, so today: Before you think of saying an unkind word, think of someone who can't speak. Before you complain about the taste of your food, think of someone who has nothing to eat. Before you complain about your husband or wife, think of someone who's crying out to God for a companion. Before you complain about your life, think of someone who went too early to heaven.

Before you complain about your children, think of someone who desires children but is barren. Before you argue about your dirty house that someone didn't clean or sweep, think of the people who are living in the streets. Before whining about the distance you drive, think of someone who walks the same distance with their feet. And when you are tired and complain about your job, think of the unemployed, the disabled and those who wished they had your job.

"And before you think of pointing the finger or condemning another, remember that not one of us is without sin and all will answer to one Maker. And when depressing thoughts seem to get you down, try to put a smile on your face and thank God you're alive and still around. Life is a gift, live it, enjoy it, celebrate it, and fulfill it.

"Enjoy the moment. It may not come around again."2

Suggested prayer: "Dear God, in the midst of life's trials help me always to count my many blessings—one by one—and learn to always give thanks for these and be grateful for what I do have and not complain about what I don't have. Thank you for hearing and answering my prayer. Gratefully in Jesus' name, amen."

1. 1 Thessalonians 5:17-18 (NIV).
2. Author unknown. Source: Marcella's Inspiring


Merry Christmas From Australia With Love

A Merry Christmas from all of us
We wish you a time
of blessing and peace,
and a fruitful year ahead.

~ Rev. David B. Smith and Family

A Christmas Message
by Rev. David B. Smith

Spiritual Integrity

Christmas can be a very confusing time, and perhaps most especially when it comes to explaining to our children what it is really supposed to be about. There is such a mixture of secular and religious motifs around at this time of year that it can be hard to differentiate between the two, and know where one starts and the other stops?

I read once of a Japanese chocolate manufacturer who produced a line of chocolate Santas one year, trying to cash in on Christmas fervour flowing over from the West. In this case though the Santas were each laid out on little chocolate crucifixes, displaying a very real level of confusion between the identities of Jesus and Santa. We in the West are prone to the same confusion, I think. Perhaps we don’t often turn Santa Claus into Jesus, but I think we do tend to turn Jesus into Santa Claus.

“He sees you when you’re sleeping, he knows when you’re awake, he knows when you’ve been bad or good, so be good for goodness’ sake.” Who are we talking about here, Jesus or Santa Claus? It’s not always easy to tell!

This is even more clear in the way we depict the Nativity scene. There they sit, the holy family, haloes over each head, silently musing over the child - no crying he makes, no nappy he wets, no trouble he brings, no sign of real humanity we shows. That’s actually the birth of Santa Claus!

The real Christmas narrative that we read of in the Gospels is the story of a hard birth. Mothers amongst us who have had hard births will appreciate this more than the rest of us, but all of us, even if we have never been present at a birth, should understand that this was a hard birth.

All births are difficult. People die giving birth. We know that. And so we good 21st Century people do everything we can to reduce the risk and the pain associated with childbirth. We have medical staff present at all times. We make sure that births takes place in a comfortable and sanitized environment. And we make sure we have pain relief available. At the very least, we have lots of sheets and hot water!

We 21st Century people are very civilized about these things. We want to look after our women giving birth and so minimize the risks, and in truth, the 1st Century people were exactly the same! And yet Mary, so far as we know, had nothing and noone at hand to make the birth any easier. Indeed, the image of Mary, bleeding and giving birth on the floor of a barn in Bethlehem, assisted only by the fumbling Joseph (and perhaps a couple of shepherds) is a brutal one.

But Mary was a refugee of sorts, displaced from her own home and family, and unable to gain sufficient sympathy from the locals in Bethlehem to even be granted the most minimal of comforts, or so it would seem.

I often wonder what it was that made those residents of Bethlehem so insensitive to the needs a destitute pregnant woman at full term, and that in a culture that placed such great importance on showing hospitality to visitors?

Was it something about Mary (or perhaps Joseph) that put them off? Was it really just the experience of the census, with all the stress and over-crowding that went with it, that left them simply unable to cope with any further strain on their physical or emotional resources? Or was it the result of the years of harsh occupation by the Roman occupying forces that had turned a once open and generous town into a ghetto of frightened and self-seeking people?

We don’t know the full story of the circumstances that forced Mary to give birth where only an animal should give birth, without the proper medical support and assistance that should be the right of every mother, but we know it must have been hard a hard birth. We know she survived, and we know that the baby Jesus survived, but it must have been a hard birth.

So we might ask though, is it appropriate for us to celebrate this story with streamers and happy songs and gifts and brightly coloured baubles, when the underlying reality that we remember was so stark and ugly and odorous? And the answer is, ‘yes, it is’ - entirely appropriate. For what we celebrate in the Christmas story - that story of a painful and difficult birth - is not the pain and the difficulty as such, but that fact that in the middle of all that pain and difficulty, God was there, reaching out to us!

Bethlehem on that Christmas morning was a painful and difficult place to be, but God was there! Go to Bethlehem today and you will find that it is still a painful and difficult place to be, as the residents there labour under another brutal occupation, yet God is still there! Go to the most painful and brutal areas of our world - through Afghanistan, Iraq, and into Burma and Dafur - and you will find that God is still there too, not removing Himself from the pain and not somehow sanitizing the brutality of it, but simply there, in the middle of it, tangibly present!

This is the Good News of Christmas that we celebrate - that there is no recess of darkness, no corner of our cosmos so brutal and inhuman that Christ Himself will not be found there. Indeed, what our faith tells us, our experience confirms, that there is no valley of darkness so deep, and no experience of isolation and pain that is so terrible that He is not to be found there with us!

This is the Good News of Christmas - that God is with us, and not with us in some distant, warm-hearted, fuzzy sort of way, wishing us all the best from the safety of Heaven, but with us in an entirely tangible way, entering into our chaos through this ancient nativity at Bethlehem, through the blood and suffering of Mary, through the birth of the baby Jesus.

Sermon for Christmas Day 2007

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Happy Holidays: Pray, Eat and Love

Merry Christmas with all my sweet kisses and red roses of love.

I am in agreement with the advice of Lady Elizabeth Gilbert, but before you eat, please pray first and after eating, love as much as God has given you the grace to love.
If you are married, then make sweet love and read the book.

Cheers and God bless you always.

Yours truly,
Orikinla Osinachi
The Knight of Love

Eat, Pray, Love: One Woman's Search for Everything Across Italy, India and Indonesia (Kindle Edition)
by Elizabeth Gilbert

· Format: Kindle Edition
· File Size: 339 KB
· Print Length: 633 pages
· Publisher: Viking (April 11, 2007)
· Sold by: Amazon Digital Services
· Language: English

Monday, December 24, 2007

Kisses & Roses Presents: J.K. Rowling’s "The Tales of Beedle the Bard"

We're incredibly excited to announce that Amazon has purchased J.K. Rowling’s The Tales of Beedle the Bard at an auction held by Sotheby’s in London. The book of five wizarding fairy tales, referenced in the last book of the Harry Potter series, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, is one of only seven handmade copies in existence. The purchase price was £1,950,000, and Ms. Rowling is donating the proceeds to The Children's Voice campaign, a charity she co-founded to help improve the lives of institutionalized children across Europe.

The Tales of Beedle the Bard is extensively illustrated and handwritten by the bard herself--all 157 pages of it. It's bound in brown Moroccan leather and embellished with five hand-chased hallmarked sterling silver ornaments and mounted moonstones.

Enjoy these first images of the book and reviews of each of the fairy tales (if you want to be sure of a link that will permanently work, use Review: The Tales of Beedle the Bard

There is no easy way to define the experience of seeing, holding, or reading J.K. Rowling's The Tales of Beedle the Bard, so let's just start with one word: "Whoa." The very fact of its existence (an artifact pulled straight out of a novel) is magical, not to mention the facts that only seven copies exist in all the world and each of the never-before-told tales is handwritten and illustrated by J.K. Rowling herself (and it's quite clear from the first few pages that she has some skill as an artist). Rowling's handwriting is like the familiar scrawl of a favorite aunt--it's not hard to read, but it does require attention--allowing you to take it slow and savor the mystery of each next word.

So how do you review one of the most remarkable tomes you've ever had the pleasure of opening? You just turn each page and allow yourself to be swept away by each story. You soak up the simple tales that read like Aesop's fables and echo the themes of the series; you follow every dip and curve of Rowling's handwriting and revel in every detail that makes the book unique--a slight darkening of a letter here, a place where the writing nearly runs off the page there. You take all that and you try and bring it to life, knowing that you will never be able to do it justice. With that, let's dig in and begin at the beginning, shall we? --Daphne Durham

1. "The Wizard and the Hopping Pot" [CAUTION: SPOILERS WITHIN!]

As in her Harry Potter series, garnishing the top of the first page of the first fairy tale, "The Wizard and the Hopping Pot," is a drawing--in this case, a round pot sitting atop a surprisingly well-drawn foot (with five toes, in case you were wondering, and we know some of you were). This tale begins merrily enough, with a "kindly old wizard" whom we meet only briefly, but who reminds us so much of our dear Dumbledore that we must pause and take a breath.
This "well-beloved man" uses his magic primarily for the benefit of his neighbors, creating potions and antidotes for them in what he calls his "lucky cooking pot." Much too soon after we meet this kind and generous man, he dies (after living to a "goodly age") and leaves everything to his only son. Unfortunately, the son is nothing like his father (and entirely too much like a Malfoy). Upon his father's death, he discovers the pot, and in it (quite mysteriously) a single slipper and a note from his father that reads, "In the fond hope, my son, that you will never need this." As in most fairy tales, this is the moment when things start to go wrong....
Read more about "The Wizard and the Hopping Pot"

2. "The Fountain of Fair Fortune" [CAUTION: SPOILERS WITHIN!]

Featured at the top of what may be one of our favorite fairy tales ever is a picture of a sparkling, flowing fountain. Now that we're thirty pages into the book, it has become clear that Rowling enjoys (and is quite good at) drawing stars and sparkles. The beginning and ending of almost every tale appears sprinkled with pixie dust (à la Peter Pan--fans know that Rowling's pixies are less likely to leave such a pretty trail). This first page of the story also features a small rose bush below the text. It is quite lovely, and as anyone who has tried to draw a rose knows, not that easy to pull off--a fact that makes it less likely that Rowling did it to cover up a mistake (the way some of us might). It is a gorgeous way to start, and it gives "The Fountain of Fair Fortune" a lot to live up to. Perhaps this is why the story begins so grandly and with such a perfectly lush and mysterious fairy tale setting: an enchanted and enclosed garden that is protected by "strong magic." Once a year, an "unfortunate" is allowed the opportunity to find their way to the Fountain, to bathe in the water, and win "fair fortune forever more." Ahhhh, such is the stuff of Harry Potter fans' dreams. In fact, this tale stands out as a favorite partly because it follows the quest arc that fans fell in love with in her novels—the kind we still crave.
Read more about "The Fountain of Fair Fortune"

3. "The Warlock's Hairy Heart" [CAUTION: SPOILERS WITHIN!]

Beware dear readers: Rowling channels the Brothers Grimm for her third and darkest fairy tale. In "The Warlock's Hairy Heart" there is little laughter and no quest, only a journey into the shadowy depths of one warlock's soul. There is no evidence of pixie dust on this first horrible page, instead we see a drawing of a heart covered in coarse hair and dripping blood (again, it's really not easy to draw an actual heart, with valves and everything, but Rowling gets it just right--gross hair and all). Beneath the text is an old-fashioned key with three loops at the top, lying in a pool of blood, making it quite clear that we are in for a different tale than the others. Don't say we didn't warn you....
Read more about "The Warlock's Hairy Heart"

4. "Babbitty Rabbitty and her Cackling Stump" [CAUTION: SPOILERS WITHIN!]

A large tree stump (with twenty growth rings—we counted) squats atop Rowling's fourth and longest fairy tale. Five tentacle-like roots spread from the base with grass and dandelion clocks sprouting out from beneath them. At the center of the base of the stump is a dark crack, with two white circles that look like tiny eyes peering out at the reader. Under the text is a small narrow paw print (with four toes). Not as horrific as the bloody, hairy heart of the last story (and this time we do see bright pixie dust on the facing page), but we don’t entirely like the looks of that stump...
Read more about "Babbitty Rabbitty and her Cackling Stump"

5. "The Tale of the Three Brothers" [CAUTION: SPOILERS WITHIN!]

If, like us, you raced through your first reading of "The Tale of the Three Brothers" on your way to the finale of all finales, then you missed quite a tale (one that we think can stand among the best of Aesop). Lucky for you, you can open your copy of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows to Chapter Twenty-One and read it any time you like. If you have not already read the final book of Rowling's series (and what a feast you have ahead of you), you might not want read this review…yet. Give yourself a chance to read the tale in context first. You won’t be disappointed.
A trio of toothy skulls stare out at the reader at the top of the last of the five tales (oh how we wish there were dozens more). The skull in the middle has a symbol carved into its forehead--a straight vertical line in a circle, enclosed by a triangle. Underneath the text is a pile of fabric, upon which lies a wand (spouting a swirling stream of sparkles), and what looks like a small stone.
Read more about "The Tale of the Three Brothers"

Read all reviews of the stories in The Tales of Beedle the Bard

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Sunday, December 23, 2007

The Women Men Like and The Women Men Dislike

18. "There are three things that are too amazing for me,
four that I do not understand:
19. the way of an eagle in the sky,
the way of a snake on a rock,
the way of a ship on the high seas,
and the way of a man with a maiden.
Proverbs 30: 18-19 (New International Version)

Queen Ebong, A young Nigerian poet and blogger

She is determined and hardworking online and offline.

Regina Askia, a top Nigerian actress.
She is a hardworking Nollywood actress and loving mother.
Men love hardworking women and women who would be good mothers.

Women should not be too possessive, because men love freedom and you should respect their independence.

Cameron Richardson, my favourite Hollywood actress with love.
Men love attractive women who are clean.

Cameron Richardson showing you how to keep your man.
Men love women who are very imaginative in bed.
If he is really the man you love and you want to have for keeps, then do your best to hook him and hook him for good. Make him asking for more and more.

99% of men are first attracted by the sex appeal of a woman.
What I call the lust at first sight natural instinct.
Is she pretty and sexy?
Then afterwards, men are interested in her character.
Does she have good manners or bad manners.

Men like the following:

1. Attractive women
2. Hygienic and healthy women.
3. Well bred and disciplined women
4. Women who know how to make love. French kisses go a long way and imaginative lovers are exciting to men.
5. Honest and transparent women. Do not keep things hidden from from him. Be honest from the beginning.
6. Hardworking women who challenge their men to become better and greater in life.
7. Women who respect men.
Men love respect.
If you disrespect your man, you are going to lose him to the woman who respects him.

Men dislike the following:

1. Unattractive women, (please, do not mistake this for the "Ugly Betty". )
2. Women without good manners, women who talk too much or pick the nose and women who curse and swear indoors or outdoors.
3. Dirty and unhygienic women
4. Women who do not know how to make love.
5. Women who tell lies.
6. Women who are lazy.
7. Women who do not respect men.

I recommend you read my book, "The Language of True Love", published by Flonnal Limited and distributed worldwide by Lulu Enterprises. The book is a must read for women and men who want to know how to keep their lovers for long.

Friday, December 21, 2007

Kisses & Roses Fashion Designs Made in France

Here are my original fashion designs and there are over 100 designs of different apparels to choose from.
Click on the samples to see more.

Buffalo Girl

Naivasha Kenya Safari

Naivasha Kenya Safari Bag

Naivasha Kenya Safari Classic Black T- Shirt.



Red Pages: Hot 100 2008

21 Dec 2007 09:00 Africa/Lagos

Red Pages Announces Annual Hot 100 Report of Rising Stars for 2008

LONDON, December 21/PRNewswire/ --

Red Pages, the UK's celebrity contacts service for the media industry, with agent, publicist and management details for over 16,000 international celebrities and more than 20,000 live contacts online, today releases its annual Red Pages: Hot 100 report for 2008.

Last year's Red Pages: Hot 100 predicted the top 100 up-and-coming celebrities likely to hit headlines in 2007. From Burberry supermodel Agyness Deyn to Heroes IT girl Hayden Panettiere, to F1 hero Lewis Hamilton and music's The Enemy, Kate Nash and Mika - the Red Pages: Hot 100 report accurately identified some of this year's big headliners.

Once again, this year's Hot 100 2008 report predicts tomorrow's movers, shakers and newsmakers in the world of music, film, television, politics, sport, society, lifestyle and business, including the stars from US exports Gossip Girl, Pushing Daisies and Cashmere Mafia, sportsmen Danny Cipriani and Michael Johnson, solo artists David Jordan and Adele and fashion's hot new designers and muses.

The Red Pages: Hot 100 report is compiled by a panel of impartial industry experts including A&Rs, journalists and advertising creatives. Red Pages subscribers are able to access the full details and contacts of every celebrity featured in the Red Pages: Hot 100 report - putting them in touch with tomorrow's stars.

Red Pages Editor, Nina Tsang says, 'As the UK's foremost celebrity contacts directory, Red Pages is always monitoring, researching and adding new celebrities in our ever-growing database. We realise that interest in celebrity culture shows no signs of abating and as a result, we're in the unique position to be able to handpick those we believe will make an impression in next year's headlines.'

Nina Tsang and other members of the Red Pages team are available for interview. The Red Pages report is available for media syndication. For subscription enquiries, contact

Red Pages: Hot 100 is published periodically and any entry suggestions are welcome. Although inclusion is not guaranteed in the list, each artist may well be added on to the ever-growing Red Pages celebrity database.

Source: The Profile Group (UK) Ltd

Contact or - Tel: +44-(0)20-7190-7795


Thursday, December 20, 2007

Make A Better YOU in 2008 Natasha Talks Tips For Success

Natasha Darras

20 Dec 2007 11:20 Africa/Lagos

Make A Better YOU in 2008 Natasha Talks Tips For Success

LOS ANGELES, Dec. 20 /PRNewswire/ --

People everywhere are making resolutions, says Natasha Darras, 17, a rising star on the high school golf circuit in southern California.

For anyone, whose age ends in teen, Natasha offers these tips for 2008:

If you have a love life, evaluate it. Measure how happy you are and if your special person is good enough for you. Someone who is respectful, fun and thoughtful can make a big difference in your life. And if you add a dose of cute, well that counts a lot too.

Love life or not, Natasha recommends these great, safe places to meet people:

-- Concerts: Teens love them and you can meet people with similar
interests and tastes in music.

-- Paint ball fields and golf courses -- this is where the guys hang out.

-- Search Facebook or MySpace for cute
profile pictures of friends or people you just met.

Save a life. Sounds dramatic, yet bringing home an animal from your local shelter can help families bond and add a new dimension to your life.

Have a weekly dinner with your high school friends, same day, same time each week. Wednesdays are good because it makes the school week go quicker and weekends don't seem so far away.

Love your body. Instead of dieting, try simple things to feel better about yourself.

"When you are 40, you will see pictures of yourself now and be saying -- Gosh! I was hot! I cannot believe I was self-critical, when I was so beautiful," says Natasha.

Try these things to feel good about yourself:

-- Take a walk to a friends' house or just walk around your block.

-- Stop drinking soda. Have frozen yogurt instead of ice cream and go
without toppings.

-- Once a day have a piece of fruit.

-- Once a week, eat anything you want, all day long. If you are good all
week, your body won't reflect one bad day of eating junk.

"Dream a little," she says. "You never know where you can see your favorite star and sometimes, just keeping an eye out really helps. I am always looking for Chace Crawford, Chuck Wicks or any of the Jonas Brothers!! Often you see people in the most unexpected places."

Available Topic Expert(s): For information on the listed expert(s), click appropriate link. Natasha Darras

Photo: NewsCom:
AP Archive:
PRN Photo Desk,
Source: Natasha Darras

CONTACT: Robin Nolan, +1-650-279-9512,, for Natasha

NOTE TO EDITORS: Natasha Darras available for interviews.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

The Unfaithful Bride

The Unfaithful Bride
This a true life story still in progress in Nigeria.

A young single woman was having an affair with a married man before she got engaged to the man who wants to marry her. They have fixed the date for their wedding and she is looking forward to a happy married life, but she wants to continue sleeping with her married lover until her wedding day. The married lover has refused to continue sleeping with her and she has been fuming and sulking.

Would it not be good to let the ignorant groom know about this unfaithful bride?

It is better and safer to remain single if you know you cannot be faithful wife.

Marriage is not compulsory.

It is better not to be married than be married and be divorced.

Monday, December 17, 2007

Halliburton Rape Cover Up

Jamie Leigh Jones, a former contractor in Iraq under Halliburton, is suing the company over allegations that she was drugged and raped, then threatened to keep quiet about it. Russ Mitchell reports.

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Doris Lessing: What is a hero without love for mankind

I have compiled some of the most notable quotes of Doris Lessing the, winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature in 2007.

It would be best to read her classic romantic novels and short stories, such as "The Sweetest Dream".

A simple grateful thought turned heavenwards is the most perfect prayer.
~ Doris Lessing

And then, not expecting it, you become middle-aged and anonymous. No one notices you. You achieve a wonderful freedom.
~ Doris Lessing

Any human anywhere will blossom in a hundred unexpected talents and capacities simply by being given the opportunity to do so.
~ Doris Lessing

Borrowing is not much better than begging; just as lending with interest is not much better than stealing.
~ Doris Lessing

For the last third of life there remains only work. It alone is always stimulating, rejuvenating, exciting and satisfying.
~ Doris Lessing

I don't know much about creative writing programs. But they're not telling the truth if they don't teach, one, that writing is hard work, and, two, that you have to give up a great deal of life, your personal life, to be a writer.
~ Doris Lessing

If a fish is the movement of water embodied, given shape, then cat is a diagram and pattern of subtle air.
~ Doris Lessing

In the writing process, the more a story cooks, the better.
~ Doris Lessing

In university they don't tell you that the greater part of the law is learning to tolerate fools.
~ Doris Lessing

It is terrible to destroy a person's picture of himself in the interests of truth or some other abstraction.
~ Doris Lessing

It is the mark of great people to treat trifles as trifles and important matters as important.
~ Doris Lessing

Literature is analysis after the event.
~ Doris Lessing

Man, who is he? Too bad, to be the work of God: Too good for the work of chance!
~Doris Lessing

Pearls mean tears.
~ Doris Lessing

Pleasure resorts are like film stars and royalty... embarrassed by the figures they cut in the fantasies of people who have never met them.
~ Doris Lessing

Small things amuse small minds.
~ Doris Lessing

Some people obtain fame, others deserve it.
~ Doris Lessing

Space or science fiction has become a dialect for our time.
~ Doris Lessing

That is what learning is. You suddenly understand something you've understood all your life, but in a new way.
~ Doris Lessing

The great secret that all old people share is that you really haven't changed in seventy or eighty years. Your body changes, but you don't change at all. And that, of course, causes great confusion.
~ Doris Lessing

There are no laws for the novel. There never have been, nor can there ever be.
~ Doris Lessing

There is only one real sin and that is to persuade oneself that the second best is anything but second best.
~ Doris Lessing

Think wrongly, if you please, but in all cases think for yourself.
~ Doris Lessing

This world is run by people who know how to do things. They know how things work. They are equipped. Up there, there's a layer of people who run everything. But we - we're just peasants. We don't understand what's going on, and we can't do anything.
~ Doris Lessing

Trust no friend without faults, and love a woman, but no angel.
~ Doris Lessing

We use our parents like recurring dreams, to be entered into when needed.
~ Doris Lessing

What is a hero without love for mankind.
~ Doris Lessing

What's terrible is to pretend that second-rate is first-rate. To pretend that you don't need love when you do; or you like your work when you know quite well you're capable of better.
~ Doris Lessing

What's terrible is to pretend that the second-rate is first-rate, that you don't need love when you do or that you like your work when you know quite well you're capable of better.
~ Doris Lessing

With a library you are free, not confined by temporary political climates. It is the most democratic of institutions because no one - but no one at all - can tell you what to read and when and how.
~ Doris Lessing

You can't be a Red if you're married to a civil servant.
~ Doris Lessing


Friday, December 14, 2007

JK Rowling's Unpublished Fairy Tales Sold for $4 Million

A staff member displays the manuscript "The Tales of Beedle the Bard" by J.K. Rowling at Sotheby's auction house in London Thursday. The manuscript, a collection of wizarding fairy tales, handwritten and extensively illustrated by the author, was sold for 1,950,000 pounds (U.S $3,985,410.)

J.K. Rowling of Harry Potter fame has just sold a rare collection of her unpublished fairy tales for $4 million. The money will go to her charity.

J.K. Rowling is enjoying her fame and fortune like other celebrities as shown in the following picture of her recent luxury holiday. She cruised the Galapagos at a cost of around £15,000, blown £14,000 on a holiday in Mauritius and enjoyed the comforts of a £6,000-a week suite.

Photo: From the Daily Mail

Who says writers do not have fun?

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Love And The Law, Part I: Does An Engagement Ring Need To Be Returned?

Love And The Law, Part I: Does An Engagement Ring Need To Be Returned?
Nina Kotick, 12.13.2007

If the ring fits . . .does an engagement ring have to be returned?
(And given that Christmas is the most popular day for engagements, the answer may be particularly relevant right now ! ! !)

Click here to continue reading "Love And The Law, Part I: Does An Engagement Ring Need To Be Returned?"

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Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Photos: It's Not a Man's World Anymore for Suz Andreasen, New York's Master Jeweler

12 Dec 2007 16:00 Africa/Lagos

Photos: It's Not a Man's World Anymore for Suz Andreasen, New York's Master Jeweler

NEW YORK, Dec. 12 /PRNewswire/ --

Just hours after The Couture Awards ( have ended culminating in the publication of a new book, American Couture Jewelry, a party at the Pratt Mansion with New York's most elite VIPS including Thomas Schutte, Joel Rosenthal, Colette Peters and more, Suz Andreasen is already working on her next event to up the ante on the Global Jewelry market. Her plan? To promote the most prominent 40 American jewelry designers in 2008 as the "world's best," working the upcoming Museum of Art and Design as well as the Paris Fashion Council.

(Photo: )

To view the Multimedia News Release, go to:

Andreasen, a famous goldsmith and jewelry designer is undoubtedly New York's woman of the year. Having just sold her most prized masterwork, the Tigerlilly Suite to a private collector and the Smithsonian at The Walters Museum in Baltimore Maryland, Andreasen holds an amazing balance between the precious jewels she makes in the running of her own business Suz Andreasen Couture, ( and the work she does for others. "When I sell a master work, it is difficult - like letting go of a child," she says. "However, when I help others, my real purpose is fulfilled. Art is infinite and life, unfortunately is not. Hopefully, those who own my pieces in private collections or public institutions will understand that treasures belong to everyone."

Sitting in her showroom on 48th street, Andreasen is charming, blonde, funny and one hell of a determined lady. Her smile is infectious and one cannot help but be caught up in her passionate ability to communicate her message and yet still make you laugh and feel at ease. Yet make no mistake, her speech at The Couture awards on Saturday evening was a paradigm shifting moment.

"One person can make a difference," she says. "Not only that but together, we can all change the way our work is valued simply by putting forth the message that we take pride in what we do as identifiable as our own. Here in America, we have always been known for our innovation, our tenacity and our inventive brand of creativity. Being American has always meant that you live in a country where anything is possible. It is the very bedrock of who we are."

Playing her hand on her chin and gazing at me with those hazel eyes in what can only be described as a Rodin like position, she doesn't stop there, "Let's face it," Suz says. "In any trade, it's always been a man's world. From DaVinci, to Tiffany, to Chihuly, the male American masters have always been lauded. That's over. In today's world of Jewelry our art will no longer tolerate gender bias and I for one intend to make sure that sticks."

With Suz Andreasen at the healm, even this reporter can't help but believe that this amazing lady can and will make it happen.

Photo: NewsCom:
PRN Photo Desk, Video:
Source: Women Want Jewelry

CONTACT: Suz Andreasen of Women Want Jewelry, +1-212-799-0862

Web site:

On Becoming Fearless: Love, Work, and Life

Ariana Huffington

On Becoming Fearless: Love, Work, and Life

Ariana Huffington is a nationally syndicated columnist, author of eleven books, and the co-founder and editor-in-chief of The Huffington Post. She is also co-host of Left, Right & Center, public radio s popular political roundtable program.

In May 2005, she launched The Huffington Post, a news and blog site that has quickly become one of the most widely read, linked to, and frequently cited media brands on the Internet.

Ariana Huffington with Tom Freston when he feted her in New York.

In 2006, she was named to the Time 100, Time magazine s list of the world s 100 most influential people.
Originally from Greece, she moved to England at the age of sixteen to attend Cambridge University. She graduated with an M.A. in economics. At 21, she became president of the famed debating society, the Cambridge Union.

Her latest book is ON BECOMING FEARLESS . . . IN LOVE, WORK, AND LIFE. Her other books include:

FANATICS AND FOOLS: THE GAME PLAN FOR WINNING BACK AMERICA, offers a scathing portrait of our contemporary political landscape with a bold, inspiring, and practical approach to restoring America to the promise envisioned by our greatest leaders. It was published in 2004.


HOW TO OVERTHROW THE GOVERNMENT, on the corruption of our political system and the need for reform, was published in 2000.

GREETINGS FROM THE LINCOLN BEDROOM, a political satire, was published in 1998.

THE FOURTH INSTINCT, on the longing for meaning in a secular world, was published in 1994.

PICASSO: CREATOR AND DESTROYER, a biography of Pablo Picasso, was published in 1988. It was a major international bestseller, translated into 16 languages. The book was also made into a film starring Anthony Hopkins as Picasso and produced by Merchant-Ivory for Warner Bros.

THE GODS OF GREECE celebrates the power of myths as guides to forgotten dimensions of life and ourselves. Atlantic Monthly Press republished it with paintings by Françoise Gilot.

THE WOMAN BEHIND THE LEGEND, a biography of Maria Callas published in 1981, quickly became an international bestseller.

AFTER REASON, on political leadership and the intersection of politics and culture, was published in 1978.

THE FEMALE WOMAN, on the changing roles of women, was published in 1974 by Random House and translated into 11 languages.

Huffington has made guest appearances on numerous television shows, including "Charlie Rose," "Oprah," "Nightline," "Real Time with Bill Maher," "Inside Politics," "Larry King Live," "Hardball," "Good Morning America," the "Today Show," "Countdown," and "The O Reilly Factor."

She serves on several boards that promote community solutions to social problems, including A Place Called Home, which works with at-risk children in South Central Los Angeles. She also serves on the Board of Trustees for the Archer School for Girls, and on the board of the Reform Institute, which works on campaign and election reform issues.

Arianna Huffington lives in Los Angeles with her two daughters.
For more details.

Monday, December 10, 2007

"The Kite Runner"

Khaled Hosseini's 2003 novel "The Kite Runner" introduced Western readers to an Afghanistan beyond the Soviet invasion, Osama bin Laden and U.S. military strikes. By focusing on the complicated relationship between an Afghan boy and his father, and the bond between two childhood friends in Kabul, it illuminated the humanity behind the politics and showed the world that Afghans laugh as well as cry. The book has since sold more than 8 million copies worldwide—not including millions of bootleg editions in such languages as Farsi.

This week the long-awaited screen adaptation of "The Kite Runner" opens in America; it will be released across much of the rest of the world over the next few months. The film, like the book, follows the unlikely friendship between the wealthy Pashtun boy Amir (Zekiria Ebrahimi) and his friend Hassan (Ahmad Khan Mahmoodzada), the Hazara son of the family servant. Pashtuns are Sunni and make up Afghanistan's ruling party, while the Hazara, Shia Muslims of Mongolian descent, are largely discriminated against. The two boys are inseparable until one day, following their victory in a kite-fighting tournament, Amir betrays the loyal Hassan with an act of cowardice that haunts them for the next three decades. Their story of love, remorse and atonement is set against the 1979 Soviet invasion, the Afghan diaspora and the rise of the Taliban in Kabul.

"The Kite Runner" is a moving, smart and sensitive film and a worthy tribute to the book. The kite-flying scenes are so beautifully shot they're near spiritual, while the story's emotional appeal renders cultural boundaries obsolete. Though one of the few major pictures to consider Islam and the Muslim-American experience from an insider's perspective, the film remains highly accessible, moving between the Muslim world and the West with an ease unparalleled in Hollywood.This cross-cultural fluency likely comes from the fact that "The Kite Runner" is, in every sense, a global film. The closing credits read like a U.N. roster of delegates.

Hosseini is Afghan and lives in America, director Marc Forster ("Finding Neverland") is Swiss and lives in America, and lead actor Khalid Abdalla ("United 93") is Egyptian and resides in the U.K. The film also stars noted Iranian actor Homayoun Ershadi, as well as first-timers like Ebrahimi who were plucked out of secondary schools.Originally slated for a fall release, "The Kite Runner" was delayed because of controversy surrounding a grueling rape scene involving the child actors. Due to the scene's potential to offend, Afghan authorities and the film's studio, Paramount Vantage, pushed the release back until the boys finished school and were safely out of the country. They and their families now reside in the United Arab Emirates.

Friday, December 07, 2007

Yale Scholar's Guide to Sexual Ethics Wins Grawemeyer Religion Award

7 Dec 2007 03:00 Africa/Lagos

Yale Scholar's Guide to Sexual Ethics Wins Grawemeyer Religion Award

LOUISVILLE, Ky., Dec. 6 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ --

A Yale scholar who says justice is an essential part of sexual ethics has won the 2008 Louisville Grawemeyer Award in Religion.

Margaret Farley, a professor emerita of Christian ethics at Yale Divinity school, earned the prize for the ideas set forth in her 2006 book, "Just Love: A Framework for Christian Sexual Ethics." Her work was selected from among 52 entries from the United States, United Kingdom and Brazil.

Human sexual relationships must be not only loving but fair, because justice is the quality that forms, guides and protects love, Farley writes.

"It's an important message in light of all the confusion surrounding sexuality today," said Susan Garrett, a professor at Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary who directs the award program. "The religious right issues stark decrees while the entertainment industry tells us 'anything goes.' People are confused about what's right."

Farley draws "clear and compelling guidelines from Christian tradition on what makes love 'just,' which helps us understand sexuality in the context of our faith," Garrett said.

A Roman Catholic nun, Farley was the first woman to teach full time at Yale Divinity School and is past president of the Society of Christian Ethics and Catholic Theological Society of America. She holds a master's degree in philosophy from the University of Detroit and master's and doctoral degrees in religious studies from Yale.

Her Grawemeyer-winning book, "Just Love: A Framework for Christian Sexual Ethics," published by Continuum Group in 2006, is the seventh book she has written or co-written.

The Grawemeyer Foundation at the University of Louisville awards $1 million each year -- $200,000 each -- for works in music composition, ideas improving world order, psychology, education and religion. The religion award is given jointly by the university and the Presbyterian seminary. Winners of the other Grawemeyer Awards also were announced this week.

For more details or Farley's photo, contact Michele Melton at 502-992-9358, 800-264-1839 or or see

Source: University of Louisville

CONTACT: Michele Melton of the Louisville Presbyterian Theological
Seminary, +1-502-992-9358, +1-800-264-1839,

Web Site:

Thursday, December 06, 2007

The Top 10 Sex Myths (But Only 2 Are True)

The Top 10 Sex Myths (But Only 2 Are True)

Read the article

Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie and Their Children Are My Family of the Year 2007

Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie and Their Children Are My Family of the Year 2007

I hereby vote the beautiful and wonderful multinational family of Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie as the Family of the Year 2007.

Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt – with children Maddox, 5, Shiloh, 7 months, and Zahara, 2.

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

We Should Not Welcome Unfaithful Men and Unfaithful Women

We Should Not Welcome Unfaithful Men And Unfaithful Women.

You know you cannot be faithful to your partner, please leave before it is too late.

If you are being abused or misused in a relationship before marriage, please leave and don't make the mistake of wedding an abusive man or woman.

I abhor unfaithful men and women.

Many unfaithful men and women lie to deceive and lure ignorant and innocent men and women into relationships.

The following dialogue is very common among unfaithful lovers and partners.

‘ Do you have a boyfriend?"
“ No."

“ Do you have a girlfriend?"
“ No."

“ Are you married or in a relationship?"
“ No."

In the late 1990s, after my German partner returned to Munich and went missing, many of the local girls and women crept into my life and most of them left when I did not have any relationship with them until I met one appealing young lady from Edo state. She was tall and slim and I wanted her. She was brought to our uncle's house by the girlfriend of my cousin, a popular Nollywood actor. I did not waste time in winning her the same day we met on a Friday and on Monday; I wanted to sleep with her. She said it was too early to do so and I agreed, but she obliged to show me her beautiful body. As I explored her body, she was turned on and wanted me to make love to her. I was happy to do so and she said my manhood was too big for her and I stopped. She asked me to continue and I refused.
Whilst I was walking with her on the street in our neighbourhood, a short Igbo man came to her and asked her where she had been.
“ Becky, where did you go? And you took the key with you?"
She brought out the key and handed it to the man.

Later she told me that she was living with the man and they were live-in lovers, but she did not love him and would prefer to marry me.
I did not like the fact that she never told me that she had a boyfriend who accommodated and fed her. I felt sorry for the man she betrayed, I politely left her, and until date, I have never looked for her.

If she did not love the man, she should not have lived with him and pretending to love him.

There was another woman who is a popular fashion designer in Lagos and is married with three beautiful daughters and two handsome sons. I knew the husband who was tall and good-looking. Their first daughter who is now 20 and at Covenant University was very excited every time I visited and loved to read novels. I love girls and women who love literature, so we became close. I was very popular for my company of models and actors and she wanted me to tickle her fancy.
The mother told me that my slim and trim body excited her and I knew she wanted a relationship. She wanted us to go places together. When her husband left for Japan, she intensified her efforts to become my lover, but I stopped all her amourous overtures.
If I committed adultery with her, I would have committed fornication with her daughter. I walked far away for my own good.

Three other married women I had to flee from were even as dangerous as desperate housewives. One of them was a model and ruined my Valentine's Day four years ago as she visited me whilst I was relaxing with my Val, a beautiful Igbo Princess and an attorney. She ignored my Val and insisted that I must make love to her. I took her into the study, pecked her, and told her to leave. But she refused until my Val and I left the flat. Later, she went to confront my Val and wanted to discourage her from becoming my girlfriend. So, I went to her residence to see her husband and five children. They were poor and the husband was a very quiet man. I advised her to be faithful to her husband and help him to bring up their lovely children. I kept away from her.

I have seen women having extra-marital affairs for no good reason.
They were driven by their childish and foolish lust.

We should not welcome unfaithful men and unfaithful women.

~ By Ekenyerengozi Michael Chima/Orikinla Osinachi
The Editor of The Language of True Love

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

How Christmas Can Impact the Culture!

4 Dec 2007 11:10 Africa/Lagos

How Christmas Can Impact the Culture!

BURBANK, Calif., Dec. 4 /PRNewswire/ --

We often worry that Christmas has become routine. Many communities across the country have settled for mere "holiday" celebrations focused on the secular side of the season. It seems that our culture is rapidly becoming ignorant about the real purpose of the holiday.

According to Phil Cooke, who has a Ph.D. in theology, and works specifically with non-profit and religious clients, producing national advertising for some of the largest companies in the country, "One of the reasons we are losing our focus is the way the media depicts the holiday, constantly focusing on the secular more commercial side of the holiday. In fact, it doesn't take much to see that the media's influence in our lives is pervasive, and today, education, business, religion, leisure, science, even family-life are all measured against that influence."

Cooke believes that the key to change is cutting through the overwhelming media clutter, and sharing the key elements of faith through casual conversations, the pulpit, and even through the media itself. "Essentially, it's about getting the real Christmas message heard. It's about telling the story of Christ's birth, and making that story connect," he says.

Although the true reason for Christmas has taken a beating, it's far from gone, and this year, we have the opportunity once again to remind the culture what Christmas is all about. Cooke has some tips for sharing the real Christmas message:

Don't be afraid to express your faith in the community or public square. Because of recent court rulings Christians shy away from anything remotely religious at Christmastime -- especially in public. Ask Christian attorneys for advice, or contact the American Center for Law and Justice ( for information on how to share your faith appropriately in a public forum.

Be confident but courteous at your office or school about expressing your faith. Stop arguing with people, and begin developing a relationship of compassion and trust.

Finally, it's not Santa's fault. Too many Christians blame Santa for distracting people from the story of the incarnation. Obviously Santa Claus isn't the reason for the season, but don't rob your children the joy of giving and experiencing the wonder and excitement of the big guy in the red suit.

"Give gifts, it is a fantastic way to develop a discussion with a non-Christian about God's ultimate gift," Cooke says. "Let's all lighten up and enjoy the North Pole, the reindeer, and the anticipation of the sound of hooves on the roof at midnight. But let's not forget to teach children and grandchildren the story of how God gave us the greatest gift of all."

Available Topic Expert(s): For information on the listed expert(s), click appropriate link. Phil Cooke

Source: Phil Cooke

CONTACT: Jackelyn Viera Iloff of End Results, Inc., +1-713-254-2284, for
Phil Cooke

Web site:

NOTE TO EDITORS: Cooke is available for interviews or to write columns on media and culture, branding, mega church media development, religion and entertainment issues. For information on Cooke's book Branding Faith and bio go to or more information go to

Monday, December 03, 2007

Hopeless Love As A Metaphor for Despair

Hopeless Love As A Metaphor for Despair

I have been more of a spectator of the different scenarios of the drama of life, as I watch more in amusement than bewilderment, how humans live through the existential realities of life on earth, their battle of wits and instincts to create an ideal society in the development and advancement of human civilization.

I often brood and ponder over how humans act and react in different circumstances and the influences of these circumstances form their experiences in their development in a particular environment.

The culture of nature is full of imperfections and malfunctions as human inhibitions and laws contradict the natural dispositions of their instincts.

All humans are naturally romantic and erotic creatures and respond to their stimuli for sexual pleasures as they thirst for water or want food. But the question of right and wrong causes disruptions as they continue to make corrections to balance the equations of life on earth.

Here is one of my case studies in Lagos, Nigeria.

She is hopelessly in love with an older man since she knew him when she was only six. Now she is 19 and her heart still beats faster whenever she sees him. Her parents like him and he respects them. They see him as a very disciplined and kind uncle, but she wants him to be her lover. She feels intimidated in his company as he is often surrounded by a bevy of beauties, white and black and she would feel outshined by the older women. No day passes that she does not wish to be wrapped in his arms. He has left and ignored her and she has dated boys of her age group, but she has lost interest in them and now feels guilty that she gave her virginity away to one of these boys. She wants Jimmy to love her as he would love his older women, but she is afraid of going to him without what he advised her to preserve till marriage. At 18, she was still a virgin and offered herself to him and thought he would be anxious and curious to deflower her, but he politely declined and did not even embrace or kiss her. She could not believe he would reject her. She has tried to ignore him and forget him, but she has failed. She does not hide anything from him, she gave him access to her only e-mail account, just to show him how honest, and transparent she is. Her parents know she loves him, but they are afraid that he will not marry her even though he has not married any of his numerous female companions who cannot stop loving him. They pray their daughter to find a suitable suitor and get over her passion for Jimmy, but she knows they can never stop the festering thoughts of her unfulfilled love for the only man who makes her feel the depth of her being.


You can download my blogs on Kindle that most writers and readers are getting from Amazon.

Sunday, December 02, 2007

NEWSWEEK: Cover: Health for Life: Fertility & Diet

Dec 2007 17:47 Africa/Lagos

NEWSWEEK: Cover: Health for Life: Fertility & Diet

Harvard Researchers Show How Exercise and the Right Foods May Help You Get Pregnant

Ice Cream, Pasta, Whole Fruit and Unsaturated Fats Can Help Prevent Ovulatory Infertility

NEW YORK, Dec. 2 /PRNewswire/ --

The latest chapter of Newsweek's ongoing "Health For Life" series focuses on the newest research on how foods impact the odds of getting pregnant. Harvard University researchers Jorge E. Chavarro, M.D., Walter C. Willett, M.D., and Patrick J. Skerrett, authors of the new book "The Fertility Diet," break down the roles diet, exercise and weight control play in conception and weigh in on their surprising findings.

(Photo: )

In the December 10 Newsweek cover "Fertility & Diet" (on newsstands Monday, December 3), Chavarro, Willett and Skerrett offer details of their plan, which actually encourages eating foods such as ice cream, is virtually free, available to everyone, has no side effects, sets the stage for a healthy pregnancy, and forms the foundation of a healthy eating strategy for motherhood and beyond. For their groundbreaking book, the three researchers turned to more than 18,000 women taking part in the Nurses' Health Study, a long-term research project looking at the effects of diet and other factors on the development of chronic conditions such as heart disease, cancer and other diseases. The women in the study also said they were trying to have babies. Most women were successful, but about one in six had some trouble getting pregnant, including hundreds who experienced ovulatory infertility-a problem related to the maturation or release of a mature egg each month. The researchers noticed key differences after comparing the diets, exercise habits and lifestyle choices of these women compared with those of women who readily got pregnant.

Some of the keys include eating slowly digested carbohydrates such as brown rice, dark breads, beans, vegetables, and whole fruits; adding in unsaturated fats while taking out trans fats, and getting more protein from plants and less from animals. Another fascinating finding from the Nurses' Health Study is that a daily serving or two of whole milk and foods made from whole milk-full-fat yogurt, cottage cheese, and, yes, even ice cream-seem to offer some protection against ovulatory infertility, while skim and low-fat milk do the opposite. The Fertility Diet also stresses the importance of exercising and maintaining a Body Mass Index between 20 and 24.

Also in the cover package:

-- General Editor Mary Carmichael reports on some of the latest insights
into the complex machinery of genetics and life itself. For years
scientists have known that certain genes can be turned on and off by
chemical switches, but only recently have they begun to understand
that these switches are a crucial link between the DNA and the outside
world. Researchers once saw the order of the base pairs in DNA as a
sort of unchanging blueprint. Researchers now know that chemical
switches are responsible for directing almost all of the body's
fundamental functions. As much as the genes themselves, they are the
biological builders that make us who we are.

-- Reporter Anne Underwood reports on memory loss and the ways people can
keep their minds sharper than ever. Scientists are busy looking into
the workings of how the mind creates and stores memories to better
understand age-related declines in retention as well as developing
drugs and exercises that help
push your aging brain to recall more.

-- Contributing Editor Barbara Kantrowitz reports on the new research and
insights into the complex hormonal symphony of sustaining the human
skeleton, and why fractures are caused by the most common bone
disease, osteoporosis. Researchers are working on finding
individualized ways of treating and perhaps even curing the crippling

-- Researchers are looking into whether the bacteria, fungi and microbes
inside the small and large intestines play a major role in influencing
weight. If true, this could provide new strategies for weight control,
write Patrick J. Skerrett and W. Allan Walker, M.D.

-- Seven Harvard experts also share their thoughts on specific health
care issues that ought be addressed, and the steps that should be
taken to fix America's ailing health system. Some of their suggestions
include eliminating racial disparities, ensuring that every American
has health insurance, using quality-of-care report cards and fixing
the Medicare Drug Benefit.

Memory Loss:
Bone Loss:
Intestinal Microbes:
Health Care:

(Read cover story at

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Source: Newsweek

CONTACT: Brenda Velez of Newsweek, +1-212-445-4078

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The December 10 issue of Newsweek (on newsstands Monday, December 3), 'Fertility & Diet', features the latest installment of the Health For Life series and looks at how food and exercise impact the odds of getting pregnant. The cover package also features the latest breakthroughs in the study of memory loss, obesity and latest insights into the complex field of genetics.