As we mark World AIDS Day, please note that even though the infections of AIDS are reported to be on the decline, there are still over three million cases of HIV/AIDS in Nigeria and we can reduce the figure if we increase our efforts to control and prevent the further spread of the pandemic in Nigeria.
Safer methods of sex are still the best ways to save you from contracting HIV.
Paying lip service to the slogans and going behind to indulge in wanton sexual intercourse with those who are promiscuous is fooling yourself.
Majority of our youths are hypocrites of the HIV/AIDS Control and Prevention campaigns, because they have failed to control themselves in their relationships. They have unprotected sex all the time.
Most of the young male students in Nigeria have indiscriminate sex with even trollops on and off campus and sleep with love-peddlers and also sleep with their regular girlfriends who in most cases cheat on their boyfriends and continue the spread of HIV/AIDS and increasing the grave consequences of the pandemic in Nigeria and abroad as they travel to and fro.
Be honest and save yourself from HIV/AIDS before it is too late.
By Ekenyerengozi Michael ChimaTake Action Now!