Sex is not the problem, humans are the problem.
Humans who lack self-control or those who are sex-maniacs.
How much would you pay for sex?
Countless people have paid with their precious lives. Men have raped girls and women and even murdered their helpless victims in the process. Others have killed over love affairs like the husband in my village who murdered his neighbour, because he committed adultery with his wife. He separated his head from the rest of his body in broad daylight.
"No human pays $5000 for sex. Only companies do. Because they can deduct it as entertainment. It's like when a corporation lends you their private jet to campaign in. That's what private jets are for."
~ Chris Kelly on Come Back, Eliot Spitzer!
Senorita Walker, a 33-year-old Chicago high school teacher paid three teenage boys $5000 to have sex with her.
~From the Smoking Gun.

Senorita Walker
Men and women suffering from "nymphomania" and "satyriasis" will pay thousands of dollars to have sex with anyone who can make them happy.
Hypersexuality is desire to engage in human sexual behavior at a level high enough to be considered clinically significant. Hypersexuality is characterized by a debilitating need for frequent genital stimulation which, once achieved, may fail to result in the expected long-term emotional—or sexual—satisfaction. This dissatisfaction is what is believed to encourage the heightened frequency of sexual stimulation, as well as additional physiological and neurological symptoms.
~ Wikipedia
Remember the case of
Debra Lafave, the young and very pretty reading teacher at Angelo L. Greco Middle School in Temple Terrace, Florida, who was charged with statutory rape for having sex with a 14-year-old boy in her class?

Debra Lafave
The ex-husband wrote the book "Gorgeous Disaster" about her.
When we abuse and misuse sex, we should be ready to pay the price.
Look before you leap.

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