Wednesday, August 31, 2005
I see floating corpses
Floating in the floods.
I see floating roses
But I see teddy bears on blackboards
I see floating daises
Floating into the Mississippi
I see the broken vases
Of broken promises
I see shattered dreams being washed away
I see contorted faces
Contorted faces of funeral grimaces
I see the ghosts of yesterday
Wandering from Louisiana to Alabama
I see the Mother of Liberty in sack cloth
I see the children of Liberty gnashing their teeth.
I see the orphans and widows of Hurricane Katrina
I see frozen tears on the cheeks of Mother America.
chichi316 - 7:12 AM ET August 31, 2005 (#310 of 310)
I just read this in the Washington Times.
"Looters smashed windows and dashed in unpursued."
How could others be so wicked to loot when their fellow humans have drowned and thousands are now homeless and traumatized?
I am heart broken
My tears are frozen.
Oh, God!
When America suffers,the rest of the world suffers. Because, America is the beacon of our hope in the maelstrom. And now horrific hurricane Katrina has wrecked New Orleans and shattered the lives of millions of people.
People originating from different parts of the world are living in New Orleans.
The images of the corpses are harrowing.
Oh, God!
I am dying.
As others have died.
Oh, God!
Tuesday, August 30, 2005
Katrina, Katrina, Why Are You So Cruel?
I stood in the eye of the storm
I stood daring the maelstrom
The maelstrom of the sirens
The sirens of the tempest
The tempest of the Gregarines
She snarled at me in my angst.
And she fell on my beloved New Orleans
Katrina, Katrina, why are you so cruel?
You horrific hurricane
You smell like burning fuel
Only God knows why you are insane.
You have wrecked my beloved Louisiana
You tore through Alabama
And you invoked the wrath of the Mississippi
You flooded North Miami like the Tsunami
See my beloved ones you have drowned
See their tears of sorrows in my palms.
See their bereaved ones wailing in my arms.
See the refugees milling all over the Super bowl dome
And they told the others there is no more room.
Katrina, Katrina, why are you so cruel?
You ruthless tempest of our worst storms
You hellish goddess of the furies
I hate you and I reject you forever
Go away! Katrina go away! Go away Katrina!
And never ever return again.
You have caused me so much pain.
Oh, God! Have mercy on us
And save us from our worst fears.
Monday, August 29, 2005
Have you heard the good news?
Of what the Lord God Almighty has done for me?
How He raised me out of the dust and lifted me out of the dunghill.
To set me up with the princes of my people and has taken me higher to set me up with you all in blogosphere. The Princes and Princesses of other nations of the world.
I? Who was a nobody before and now God has transformed me into somebody.
Can you tell me why I should not praise and give him thanks and bow down to worship this awesome God of all generations and of all nations. The author, creator, maker and owner of the whole universe and everything inside it. The one and only true God. The first and the last. Who reigns throughout eternity.
As the Psalmist said in Psalm 24.
"The earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof.
The world and they that dwell therein.
For HE has founded it upon the seas and established it upon the floods."
Yesterday two of the most gifted gospel singers I have ever known sang at the praise night yesterday. The international multiple award winning Nigerian Asu Ekiye and the black and beautiful Efe whose birthday is coming up on Saturday. Last night is one of the nights I will always remember. It was a beautiful and wonderful night of praise and worship to the glory of God.
The Holy Spirit inspired me to compose the following hymn below.
It is for classical music.
Your Majesty
Lord Almighty
Supreme Authority.
All glory, honour and power
Belong to you.
King of Kings
And Lord of Lords.
You reign
Yes you reign
Jesus Christ you reign
You reign forever and ever!
Your Majesty
Lord Almighty
Supreme Authority.
I have come to fellowship
And I have come to worship
I bow down to you
And I surrender to you.
You reign
Yes you reign
Jesus Christ you reign
You reign forever and ever!
Your Majesty
Lord Almighty
Supreme Authority.
Oh, my Lord and my God.
The First and the Last
The Alpha and the Omega
I worship you.
You reign
Yes you reign
Jesus Christ you reign
You reign forever and ever!
Your Majesty
Lord Almighty
Supreme Authority.
AUGUST, 2004.
Saturday, August 27, 2005
Aisha and Rakumi
Today, we must cross this vast sea of smoldering sand.
Today we must be in Rano
Rano is far away from Kano.
We have to get there before the sun goes to bed.
Rakumi, you know that even the sun sleeps at night.
And the moon comes to work at night.
That was their common agreement with God.
Come, Rakumi.
Aisha talks to me like we are the same
She wants me to eat whatever she eats
And to drink whatever she drinks.
I hear and understand Hausa and Arabic.
But, I am not Islamic.
I don’t have any religion.
I just believe that there is a God somewhere
Whether up above my head in the stars I don’t know.
All I do is just to watch Aisha move and I follow.
I always follow my master.
But that doesn’t mean my master is wiser.
The world is full of morons.
And they don’t even know that they are morons.
But, I thank God that Aisha is not one of them.
Come, Rakumi.
We must get to Ujamaliya
Before the sun reaches the middle of the sky
Then, we can rest at the oasis.
I know that you need more water.
Come my gentle giant.
I would be lost without you.
Friday, August 26, 2005
August has been the bloodiest month yet in Iraq.
Not surprising that most Americans now want a simple question answered:
Why are we there?Cindy Sheehan lost her son Casey in Iraq. She wants the same question answered. Bush's reply: make her GOP Public Enemy #1.
See just some of the disgusting smears below.I will be in Crawford in on Saturday. I hope you can join me as I join Cindy.
Thanks for listening.
Love ALLways,
Randi Rhodes
Caller Stacy's husband must fight in Bush's wars. This call moved me. If you do not have a family member in the military, this will help you relate to those who do.
Wednesday, August 24, 2005
I see the white crosses
The white crosses across America
From the Grand Canyon to the Prairies
I see the unseen minstrels and fairies
The minstrels of our gloomy memories
The fairies of our halcyon reveries
I see their skulls and bones
But there were no tombstones
I see Cindy Sheehan in Crawford
Where the children of liberty are wrangling in discord
I hear her outcries in the cacophony
In the cacophony of discordant voices
The broken voices of disharmony
And their faces are twisted in grieving grimaces
For the Children of the Star Spangled Banner
Are at war with the Crescent and the Star
I see the mourning mothers and grave looking fathers
I see their grieving widows and their petrified orphans.
I see the bereaved mourners and their comforters.
I hear the elegies of their threnodies
I hear the encore in the echoes
The echoes of the American heroes
I see their tear soaked wet pillows
And I see their crouching shadows
I see them as they harrow in sorrow
The sorrow that will linger till tomorrow
I hear the muffled sobs in the solitary meadows
I hear the whispers of their spirits in the willows
I see the unsung hero hovering over his epitaph
And I see the comrades hovering over their cenotaph
I see white crosses across America The Last
True Story I'll Ever Tell: An Accidental Soldier's Account of the War in Iraq
by John F. Crawford.
Haven't Been There, Haven't Done That (But We've Definitely Heard All This Before) A
Review by Anna Godbersen
There are not a few books about the war in Iraq being published these days, and John Crawford's memoir The Last True Story I'll Ever Tell is not the only alternative to "war stories told by reporters and retired generals who keep extensive notebooks and journals."
Crawford wants to tell a rawer Iraq story, of "riding a crest of hatred that cannot be understood by anyone who has not been there." In 2002, while on his honeymoon, Crawford learned that his Florida National Guard unit was being deployed to Iraq; they entered the country on the first day of the invasion, and remained there on duty for more than a year.
In eighteen crafted, literary chapters, he gives an infantry-eye-view of the occupation, treating his readers to the extremes of heat and cold, to moments of lightness and moments of fear. Most of what he describes will not surprise regular newspaper readers; the lack of body armor provided Crawford and his fellow soldiers is shocking, but not exactly news, and the perils of being American and alone in Baghdad at night have been well documented.
Crawford labors to give an unsanitized version of war, and indeed there is recreational morphine use, "fucking smoking hot" Iraqi nurses, and a good deal of behavior that seems sure to lose hearts and minds. But the real bad guys are the higher-ups, cowards and bureaucrats who build their resumes on the blood of Crawford and his friends. As Crawford sums up his predicament, "This was a war I didn't believe in, but no one ever asked my opinion."
The Last True Story I'll Ever Tell is an angry, unrevelatory book with an astonishing and heart-crushing final chapter. Crawford has not written a future classic account of the war in Iraq, but if his titular claim proves false, or if he's hammering away at the novel somewhere right now, he just might yet.
Copyright © 1994-2005 · Terms of Use
Tuesday, August 23, 2005
The Rose of Sharon
Sunday, August 21, 2005
This is a special post in honour of Ruslana of Ukraine for all her love for the benefit of the Children of Chornobyl.
I appeal to you as you read the poems and the report, kindly respond to the appeal to help the children of Chornobyl. And God will surely bless you more as you do so.
I love you all.
Children of God
(For the Children of Chornobyl and the millions of others suffering all over the world.)
I see the children of God
Suffering in the world
Like sheep without a shepherd
I see the orphan sleeping by the roadside
And I see the lost child wandering in the wild.
Who will wipe away their tears?
The tears they have been shedding all these years.
Oh, my kind brethren
Will you help me to bear the burden?
Of these suffering children?
Oh, behold the children of God
Suffering in the world
Behold the children of God
Longing for your helping hand.
MAY 30, 2005.
I see the children with smiling faces
Looking like cherubic angels
I see them playing with their toys and bells.
But I see the other children with grimaces
I see them crying, yelling and wailing
And I see them stretching out their arms
They are stretching their hands with open palms.
They are looking up at me as if they are begging.
I cannot turn away from these suffering babies
Who need our love more than even lullabies?
Who will bear their burden?
Who will help the children?
MAY 9, 2005.
If you:
Are a high school, college or graduate student
Work for a pharmaceutical company
Have a medical background
Like searching the web
Have good typing skills
Are a professional photographer or videographer
Like to write letters
Are creative and enthusiastic
Care about the Chornobyl issue
or if you would simply like to volunteer for the Children of Chornobyl Relief Fund in any capacity, please call our National Office at 973-376-5140 or e-mail us at
On May 17th, the Ukrainian Eurovision superstar Ruslana performed in a gala benefit concert to benefit the Children of Chornobyl Relief and Development Fund. Among the guests of honor were Ukraine’s President Viktor Yushchenko and First Lady Kateryna Yushchenko, who attended with their children, Kyiv Mayor Oleksander Omelchenko, Olympic and World Champion Viktor Petrenko, and many business and community leaders. Proceeds from the concert will enable us to purchase medical equipment and essential supplies for our partner hospital in Kyiv and Dnipropetrovsk and the Dzherelo Rehabilitation Center for children with cerebral palsy. (Above: At the conclusion of the May 17th benefit concert, CCRDF Co-founder and Board member Nadia Matkiwsky thanks Ruslana for her charitable initiative to help our partner hospitals.
Saturday, August 20, 2005
This happened in the summer of 1982.
When I was loitering around Times Square
Then I was still walking tall with my head in the clouds
I was having fun sowing my wild oats.
When, I saw this stunning looking babe
She was in a body-hugging cardigan and mini skirt and wearing just slippers.
Good looking is too common to describe her
She was a real Bobby Soxer.
To say she was pretty wouldn’t be good enough.
Because, this babe was not only beautiful
She was also quite an eyeful.
She was an awesome delight to sight.
So, I quickly went closer to her.
“Beautiful lady, what is your name?”
“So many people would have told you how pretty you are.”
She just smiled shyly.
Then, suddenly she said.
‘Oh, I am feeling so hot.”
‘Baby, this is July.”
“Oh, how I want to pull off my top.”
“I don’t mind to exchange my sleeveless T-Shirt for your cardigan.”
“Oh, thank you.”
But, before I could say Jackie,
Angie pulled off her top.
And she wasn't wearing any bra!
There she was topless.
Stark naked waist-up before my very eyes.
I was just gaping and gasping
And I was just moping and moping.
To save her from public embarrassment
I hurriedly pulled off my T-Shirt for her.
She put it on within minutes
Whilst I put on her cardigan.
Later that night,
I made Angie pregnant.
And she became the mother of my love child.
Friday, August 19, 2005
Petals of My Soul.
Petals of My Soul
I am here in the midst of the crowd
Bees frolicking to the scent of the nectar.
The nectar of the ether
Ether of my translucent soul.
They came in the camouflage of the rainbow
They came in the colors of the chameleon
They came to kiss my golden urn
The golden urn of my soul.
I was fleeting like the mist
Like the mist in the realm of Elysium
And they could sniff the whiffs of my Iridium
Iridium of my invisible incense.
They were pilgrims of the lyceum
The seekers of the elixir
The elixir of my Air
Air of the abyss of amnesia.
Thursday, August 18, 2005
I give thanks to the Almighty God Jehovah
For the awesome grace of His everlasting love.
That was even manifested in the form of a dove
Descending from the heaven above
Upon the Lord Jesus Christ our Messiah.
For the abundant favours of God
Unto me to overcome all the trials of this world.
I thank God for the grace He gives me every day
And for all of you He has sent my way.
May God bless you all?
And may you never fall.
Now, let me pray to the Almighty Creator.
“Send thine hand from above; rid me, and deliver me out of great waters, from the hand of strange children:
Whose mouth speaketh vanity, and their right is a right hand of falsehood.”
Date: Wed, 17 Aug 2005 18:46:05 -0700
From: "Sylvain Bouchard" To: "Orikinla Osinachi"
Thank you for you comment, and for your concern. Fortunately here in
Japan there are excellent measures in place in case a natural disaster
occurs. As soon as the earthquake happened, the news started broadcasting
the timing of the coming tsunami (a very small one, mind you, but
still...) in real time. That made us feel a lot safer.
I receive so many e-mails from well educated and disciplined bloggers like Sylvain as shown above.But, not all of us can be like him.
The world is full of strange children
And they are a great burden.
For our labour of love.
From Osama bin Laden to Karl Rove.
When there is room for comments on almost all the blogs in blogosphere, why should some people complain of Orikinla Osinachi for making comments on many blogs he has visited so far? Blogging is communication. And communication is "to and fro" in "pros and cons". Blogging is interactive. It is a discussion between the poster or writer and the reader.
You turn around and call him an “Internet Troll” and spammer?
When, he only humbled himself and obliged to express his own personal opinions and views of what he has read. And when he also obliged to leave his comments in fulfillment of the request on so many blogs?
I have visited blogs over 2,000 times and I have only made about 200 comments. And most of my comments were made out of appreciation and love. In fact, I saw bloggers literally begging for comments and one even pleaded that visitors should click on the Google Ads on his blog.
People love to be flattered than to be criticized.
Many people cannot accept critiques in good faith.
If you want to know the true colours of someone, all you have to do is simply to prick the person and see the sudden reaction. Some are stoic and very tolerant, but most of us are very sensitive and negative.
I feel pity for an editor who makes a public display of the typographical errors of a commentator and does so primarily to deceive ignorant bloggers to impress them to believe that he is better educated than this commentator just on the basis of his review of “Harry Potter”.
Any dummy can read “Harry Potter” and boast about it on the Internet.
‘Oh, I wept as I was reading “Harry Potter.”
“Harry Potter” is a global phenomenon in modern literature and I commend Lady J.K Rowling for that great literary feat that has done all of us in the literary world an awesome good. Because, “Harry Potter” has revived the dying reading culture and made the up coming generation to enjoy reading books instead of wasting hours on the Internet surfing for pornography and other inappropriate pursuits that even millions of shameless adults indulge in. Therefore, may the good God bless Lady J.K Rowling.
Most people who scream that they are reading “Harry Potter” on their blogs are simply doing so to attract attention and traffic. Any dummy can read “Harry Potter”.
A good editor applies corrective measures and not punitive measures.
Please, bloggers who don’t want me to comment on their blogs should send me the names of their blogs. So, that I can save my precious quality time on reading some good stuff instead of wasting my time on many blogs ridden with ego-problems and racial complexes.
The worst Spam mails are coming from America and the worst Internet scammers are Americans. Only a dummy or a moron would fall for the stupid scams of the retarded Nigerian who has only fooled an equally retarded moron like himself or herself on the Internet.
99% of all the Spam mails and Internet scams on the Internet originate from America. And Americans set up millions of web sites for the singular purpose of spamming. I receive up to 1,000 Spam mails from Americans every day by day. All trying to sell you their products and services and tempting you with the ambiguous offers of their freebies. But, these freebies are more than what you bargain for. The avalanche of Internet offers and surveys come from the United States of America and not from my beloved NIGERIA.
Yes, I am proudly Nigerian and as you can see, I show off my Nigerian identity with the Nigerian flag flying proudly on my NIGERIAN TIMES on and on other sites I have launched on the Internet to denounce all the erroneous White Lies being spread against Nigerians and other Africans on the Internet by the White supremacists and racists who have no guts to confront their nightmare Al Qaeda, but will pick on poor Nigerians and other people. from other cultures.
Most of you are even ignorant of the fact that The father of the Internet is a Nigerian, Dr. Philip Emeagwali and one of the leading masters of Robotics in the world is another Nigerian Prof. Bart Anaji. Both of them are Ibos just like Orikinla Osinachi. The most cosmopolitan on line writer in the world.Mention one American blogger who has written on Nigeria as much as I have written on America. Most Americans are totally ignorant of Nigeria and the rest of Africa. And the American Economy will collapse without our precious oil and gas. Single handedly this same Orikinla Osinachi can make the prices of crude oil and gas to skyrocket in the world market overnight if you Americans provoke me. So, I warn you lunatic fringe in this American populated, dominated, corrupted, and polluted blogosphere not to dare to annoy me again. Otherwise, I will tell Osama bin Laden to send more suicide bombers to your shopping malls and airports. Or to kidnap more Americans and make mince meat of them. Just imagine what would have happened to America if those suicide bombers were loaded with Atomic or Nuclear bombs on that fateful day of 9/11? Where would you be to be insulting Orikinla Osinachi? Or do you want me to tell the Al Qaeda to load their suicide bombers with nukes next time?
You better start begging me now to forgive you or else?
The world is full of fringe elements and many of them we call the lunatic fringe. And they are on rampage from the cocaine-junkies, serial killers and rapists in America to the suicide bombers and mass murderers in Afghanistan, Iraq and other enclaves of the Islamic terrorists.
What you sow is what you reap. Racism is the mother of terrorism.
You had better go and read all the previous posts on
To open your eyes to the naked truth on the evils of the devils on rampage on earth.
You are harbingers of evil.
“Repent or perish!”
I give thanks to the Almighty God Jehovah
For the awesome grace of His everlasting love.
That was even manifested in the form of a dove
Descending from the heaven above
Upon the Lord Jesus Christ our Messiah.
For the abundant favours of God
Unto me to overcome all the trials of this world.
I thank God for the grace He gives me every day
And for all of you He has sent my way.
May God bless you all?
And may you never fall.
Now, let me pray to the Almighty Creator.
“Send thine hand from above; rid me, and deliver me out of great waters, from the hand of strange children:
Whose mouth speaketh vanity, and their right is a right hand of falsehood.”
Date: Wed, 17 Aug 2005 18:46:05 -0700
From: "Sylvain Bouchard" To: "Orikinla Osinachi"
Thank you for you comment, and for your concern. Fortunately here in
Japan there are excellent measures in place in case a natural disaster
occurs. As soon as the earthquake happened, the news started broadcasting
the timing of the coming tsunami (a very small one, mind you, but
still...) in real time. That made us feel a lot safer.
I receive so many e-mails from well educated and disciplined bloggers like Sylvain as shown above.But, not all of us can be like him.
The world is full of strange children
And they are a great burden.
For our labour of love.
From Osama bin Laden to Karl Rove.
When there is room for comments on almost all the blogs in blogosphere, why should some people complain of Orikinla Osinachi for making comments on many blogs he has visited so far? Blogging is communication. And communication is "to and fro" in "pros and cons". Blogging is interactive. It is a discussion between the poster or writer and the reader.
You turn around and call him an “Internet Troll” and spammer?
When, he only humbled himself and obliged to express his own personal opinions and views of what he has read. And when he also obliged to leave his comments in fulfillment of the request on so many blogs?
I have visited blogs over 2,000 times and I have only made about 200 comments. And most of my comments were made out of appreciation and love. In fact, I saw bloggers literally begging for comments and one even pleaded that visitors should click on the Google Ads on his blog.
People love to be flattered than to be criticized.
Many people cannot accept critiques in good faith.
If you want to know the true colours of someone, all you have to do is simply to prick the person and see the sudden reaction. Some are stoic and very tolerant, but most of us are very sensitive and negative.
I feel pity for an editor who makes a public display of the typographical errors of a commentator and does so primarily to deceive ignorant bloggers to impress them to believe that he is better educated than this commentator just on the basis of his review of “Harry Potter”.
Any dummy can read “Harry Potter” and boast about it on the Internet.
‘Oh, I wept as I was reading “Harry Potter.”
“Harry Potter” is a global phenomenon in modern literature and I commend Lady J.K Rowling for that great literary feat that has done all of us in the literary world an awesome good. Because, “Harry Potter” has revived the dying reading culture and made the up coming generation to enjoy reading books instead of wasting hours on the Internet surfing for pornography and other inappropriate pursuits that even millions of shameless adults indulge in. Therefore, may the good God bless Lady J.K Rowling.
Most people who scream that they are reading “Harry Potter” on their blogs are simply doing so to attract attention and traffic. Any dummy can read “Harry Potter”.
A good editor applies corrective measures and not punitive measures.
Please, bloggers who don’t want me to comment on their blogs should send me the names of their blogs. So, that I can save my precious quality time on reading some good stuff instead of wasting my time on many blogs ridden with ego-problems and racial complexes.
The worst Spam mails are coming from America and the worst Internet scammers are Americans. Only a dummy or a moron would fall for the stupid scams of the retarded Nigerian who has only fooled an equally retarded moron like himself or herself on the Internet.
99% of all the Spam mails and Internet scams on the Internet originate from America. And Americans set up millions of web sites for the singular purpose of spamming. I receive up to 1,000 Spam mails from Americans every day by day. All trying to sell you their products and services and tempting you with the ambiguous offers of their freebies. But, these freebies are more than what you bargain for. The avalanche of Internet offers and surveys come from the United States of America and not from my beloved NIGERIA.
Yes, I am proudly Nigerian and as you can see, I show off my Nigerian identity with the Nigerian flag flying proudly on my NIGERIAN TIMES on and on other sites I have launched on the Internet to denounce all the erroneous White Lies being spread against Nigerians and other Africans on the Internet by the White supremacists and racists who have no guts to confront their nightmare Al Qaeda, but will pick on poor Nigerians and other people. from other cultures.
Most of you are even ignorant of the fact that The father of the Internet is a Nigerian, Dr. Philip Emeagwali and one of the leading masters of Robotics in the world is another Nigerian Prof. Bart Anaji. Both of them are Ibos just like Orikinla Osinachi. The most cosmopolitan on line writer in the world.Mention one American blogger who has written on Nigeria as much as I have written on America. Most Americans are totally ignorant of Nigeria and the rest of Africa. And the American Economy will collapse without our precious oil and gas. Single handedly this same Orikinla Osinachi can make the prices of crude oil and gas to skyrocket in the world market overnight if you Americans provoke me. So, I warn you lunatic fringe in this American populated, dominated, corrupted, and polluted blogosphere not to dare to annoy me again. Otherwise, I will tell Osama bin Laden to send more suicide bombers to your shopping malls and airports. Or to kidnap more Americans and make mince meat of them. Just imagine what would have happened to America if those suicide bombers were loaded with Atomic or Nuclear bombs on that fateful day of 9/11? Where would you be to be insulting Orikinla Osinachi? Or do you want me to tell the Al Qaeda to load their suicide bombers with nukes next time?
You better start begging me now to forgive you or else?
The world is full of fringe elements and many of them we call the lunatic fringe. And they are on rampage from the cocaine-junkies, serial killers and rapists in America to the suicide bombers and mass murderers in Afghanistan, Iraq and other enclaves of the Islamic terrorists.
What you sow is what you reap. Racism is the mother of terrorism.
You had better go and read all the previous posts on
To open your eyes to the naked truth on the evils of the devils on rampage on earth.
You are harbingers of evil.
“Repent or perish!”
Wednesday, August 17, 2005
Oh! Michelle!
My fair lady,
Let me sing you my melody.
Let me sing you my love song
Let me sing of you all day long.
Let me tell the whole world
How much you are so precious to me
Let tell them you make my world go round
Let me show you off for all eyes to see.
Oh, merry maiden.
Oh, beautiful fairy of my aspen
Come away with me to Walden
And let me declare my love for you in the open
Come and take me away to Malaysia
Malaysia the Paradise of Asia.
As the Bird of Paradise sings
And she sings and claps as she flaps her wings.
God has sent me a beautiful and wonderful angel.
An angel called Angel Michelle
Oh, Michelle! Your name is a song in my heart.
For you are the fairy of my apple cart.
Bring to me the cornucopia of the ambrosia
The ambrosia of euphoria
The euphoria of Nigeria.
Come to me my divine dove
Come to me my precious love
Oh, Michelle! God sent from above.
Mi señora justa, me dejó le canta mi melodía. Déjeme cantarle que mi canción del amor me dejó cantar de usted todo el dia. Déjeme decir al mundo entero cuánto usted es así que a mí deje preciosamente para decirles que usted hace que mi mundo va alrededor de me deja demostrarle apagado para que todos los ojos vean. Oh, feliz maiden. El Oh, hada hermosa de mi álamo temblón viene lejos con mí a Walden y me dejó declarar mi amor para usted en el abierto mientras que el pájaro del paraíso canta y ella la canta y aplaude como ella las aletas las alas. El dios me ha enviado un ángel hermoso y maravilloso. ¡Un ángel llamó a Ángel Michelle Oh, Michelle! Su nombre es una canción en mi corazón. Para usted está la hada de mi carro de la manzana. Tráigame el cornucopia del ambrosia el ambrosia de la euforia la euforia de Nigeria. ¡Venga a mí que mi paloma divina viene a mí mi amor precioso Oh, Michelle! Dios enviado de arriba.
Ma dame juste, m'a laissé vous chantent ma mélodie. Laissez-moi vous chanter que mon chanson d'amour m'a laissé chanter de vous toute la journée. Laissez-moi dire au monde entier combien vous coûtez ainsi très à moi laissez leur dire que vous faites mon monde aller autour du du laisser me vous montrer au loin pour que tous les yeux voient. Ah, joyeuse demoiselle. Ah, belle fée de mon tremble viennent loin avec moi à Walden et m'ont laissé déclarer mon amour pour vous dans l'ouvert pendant que l'oiseau du paradis chante et elle la chante et bat en tant qu'elle des ailerons des ailes. Dieu m'a envoyé un beau et merveilleux ange. Un ange a appelé Angel Michelle OH, Michelle ! Votre nom est une chanson sur mon coeur. Pour vous sont la fée de mon chariot de pomme. Apportez-moi la corne d'abondance de l'ambroisie l'ambroisie de l'euphorisme l'euphorisme du Nigéria. Venez à moi que ma colombe divine viennent à moi mon amour précieux OH, Michelle ! Dieu envoyé d'en haut.
Η δίκαιη κυρία μου, με επέτρεψε να σας τραγουδήσω τη μελωδία μου. Με επιτρέψτε να σας τραγουδήσω το τραγούδι αγάπης μου με επιτρέπει να τραγουδήσω σας όλη την ημέρα. Με επιτρέψτε να πω ολόκληρο τον κόσμο πόσο είστε τόσο πολύτιμοι σε με αφήνετε να τους πείτε εσείς κάνετε τον κόσμο μου να πάει γύρω από με επιτρέπετε να σας παρουσιάσω μακριά για όλα τα μάτια για να δείτε. OH, εύθυμο κορίτσι. Το OH, όμορφη νεράιδα του μου ερχόμενος μακριά με με σε Walden και με επέτρεψε να δηλώσω την αγάπη μου για σας στο ύπαιθρο καθώς το πουλί του παραδείσου τραγουδά και τραγουδά και χτυπά δεδομένου ότι χτυπά τα φτερά της. Ο Θεός μου έχει στείλει έναν όμορφο και θαυμάσιο άγγελο. Ένας άγγελος κάλεσε τον άγγελο Michelle Oh, Michelle! Το όνομά σας είναι ένα τραγούδι στην καρδιά μου. Γιατί είστε η νεράιδα του κάρρου μήλων μου. Μου φέρτε σε το κέρα της Αμαλθιας της αμβροσίας η αμβροσία της ευφορίας η ευφορία της Νιγηρίας. Ελάτε σε με το θείο περιστέρι μου έρχεται σε με η πολύτιμη αγάπη μου OH, Michelle! Θεός που στέλνεται από ανωτέρω.
Tuesday, August 16, 2005
Kisses & Rosses is honouring Reverend Graham Taylor the best selling author of "Shadowmancer" and "Wormwood". Here is the latest update on this charismatic and enigmatic author, whose extraordinary tales have been rated higher than JK Rowling's "Harry Potter". They say his own books are hotter than Potter.
August 16, 2005
Read more about the book, Shadowmancer.
Reverend G.P. (Graham) Taylor is not your average village vicar. Not every vicar was a police officer. Not every vicar used to work in the high-pressure pop music industry. Not every vicar's first vicarage is visited annually by thousands of vampires. And not every vicar is a best-selling author…. Perhaps it is fitting, therefore, that his first novel, Shadowmancer, is not your average book.
G.P. Taylor was born in the north of England in Scarborough, the youngest of three children to a working class family. His father, a cobbler, was profoundly deaf so sign language was almost like a first language to Graham. He says that his writing style is very visual for that reason.
Growing up, Graham hung out with the neighborhood rebels. As a teen he idolized David Bowie. Plans to become a teacher were sidelined when he moved to London. In London, at the age of 19, Graham became a promoter for CBS Records, plugging such popular acts as Earth, Wind, and Fire, Adam Ant, and Bob Dylan to radio stations, record stores, and concert promoters over the phone. Meanwhile, in the evenings he was heavily involved in the Punk Rock scene with the likes of Sid Vicious, Johnny Rotten, the Stranglers, the Clash, and the Sex Pistols.
By 22, the hectic lifestyle of the Punk Rock scene had taken its toll and Graham decided to leave London. He returned to the North of England with a single suitcase in hand and less than ten pounds in his wallet. He found a job in the social work sector at a drop-in daycare center for the elderly, and adults who were mentally ill, had learning disabilities, or were visually or hearing impaired. He met his wife, a volunteer, at the center and they married within six months. Today they have been married for over twenty years.
Beginning in his teenage years, Graham had often felt as if a voice were telling him to turn toward the Church and to become a Vicar. He first ran away from the voice to go to London and he ran away from it again at this time. Many of his friends were members of the police force and they loved their jobs. Graham decided he would join them.
After his police training, Graham was assigned to large market towns in the North with a lot of street violence. He will tell you that for two years he spent his weekends "rolling around on the ground with teenagers." Later, he moved on to drug enforcement, the riot squad, and was sent to the New Castle Riots.
During all of this time, Graham ignored repeated callings from the voice. One day, he hoped to quiet it a little by enrolling in theological college while still working full time as a police officer.
While Graham had many close calls during his eight years on the police force, it was in 1995 that he was beaten to within an inch of his life. The physical trauma resulted in serious, permanent injuries which made him unfit for duty. As a result, he was forced to retire.
His time as a policeman came to an end, but during the same year, he had also finished theological college and was ordained by the Church of England. Later, after the attack, the Bishop of Whitby offered Graham the post of Parish Priest of Whitby. Something, it seems, the voice had known all along would happen.
Graham's first Church, St. Mary's of Whitby, is one of the oldest in the UK and is famous for its connection with Bram Stoker's Dracula. Hundreds, if not thousands, of believers in the occult come to St. Mary's every November to commemorate Dracula's escape from the shipwrecked Dementor. Stoker's story has Dracula, who changed into the form of a black dog, run from the destroyed ship in the harbor up 199 steps and into the church.
In addition to "vampires," Whitby's parishioners have had their fair share of ghosts. In Graham's time there, he was asked at least once a month to expel ghosts from people's homes. Graham believes that it is the rise in people's interest in the occult that attracts the spirits into their homes. In the middle ages, it was a capital offence if a Vicar was unable to rid a home of a troublesome ghost. In his career as Vicar, Graham has been involved in at least 50 exorcisms.
Today, Graham is the Vicar of Ravenscar at another church called St. Mary's. It has a dramatic location, set on high clifftops. On sunny days, sometimes a white fog rolls just below the level of the cliffs and makes it look as if you could walk off the cliffs and into the clouds. It was in this idyllic setting, as Graham was driving over the moors one night, that the idea for Shadowmancer started taking form.
The very next day, Graham sat down to begin the story. He wrote in his spare time over the next nine months. After sending the manuscript to an on-line editor for what turned out to be a very negative critique, Graham decided that he would self-publish his novel. Since a Vicar's wages are meager, Graham decided to sell his most prized possession, his 1000cc "chopper" motorcycle, to finance the endeavor.
Graham's first two events as an author took place at local bookstores. He sold about 100 copies at each signing, but was a little discouraged because he had 2,000 more copies lining the small hallways of his house. He did not realize that these numbers were impressive for a first-time author. These events proved to be an early key in the success of Shadowmancer as a reporter from the local daily newspaper, The Yorkshire Post, attended one of the signings. He later gave Shadowmancer a shining review, and after hearing about it, Waterstones (a big chain in the UK) ordered 1,500 copies of the book.
Eventually, Graham's self-published volumes found their way into the hands of an agent and were sold to Faber and Faber (UK). The publishing house was so confident about Shadowmancer's appeal that they published it on June 21, 2003, the same day that the fifth installment of Harry Potter was set to hit the shelves. Immediately, Shadowmancer soared to the top of the bestseller list right next to Harry Potter.
Since then "Shadowmania" has swept the UK. The Reverend Graham Taylor has been interviewed by every major media outlet and has become a bona fide celebrity.
G.P. Taylor is the Vicar of Ravenscar, and currently divides his time between writing and his clergy. He lives in Cloughton, a village near Scarborough in Yorkshire, UK with his wife and three daughters.
G.P. Taylor on writing:
1. Did you always know that you would be a writer?
In the back of my mind I always knew that I would be a storyteller and that something was going to happen. I was just reluctant to get the ball rolling. Eventually a voice kept telling me that this was the time and I had to do it. If something is right, it is worth waiting for.
2. You name Eminem and as inspiring you to write. Please comment.
Marshall Mathers is a very good poet - even though I don't like his cussing, I admire his use of language and his ability to communicate with so many people. As a teenager I was heavily influenced by David Bowie and know of the effect it had on my life - dyed hair - strange clothes and some odd looking girlfriends. He is still a hero and his music is a great influence on my writing especially his latest album. It was Marshall Mathers and One Shot from Eight Mile that really made me want to get the book to a larger audience - you only get one shot…
3. When did you first dream up the ideas for a fantasy novel for children?
I first came up with an idea for a fantasy novel for children during a church meeting. I was speaking to my parishioners and saying that I felt that Harry Potter was marketed to an age group that was too young to understand the subtlety of what JK Rowling was writing about. She said in one book that there is no such thing as good and evil, only power. I feel that she leaves the balance of power in the hands of negative forces. So a parishioner challenged me to write my own children's book. I wanted to write one that was uncompromising in values, yet fun to read.
I wanted to bring back the adventure into literature for kids and give them something that they would read throughout their lives. The trouble with Shadowmancer is that the parents buy the book and end up reading it themselves. The kids have to wait until they are finished. One girl wrote to me asking if I would send her another copy as she couldn't get it away from her mother. When her mother was finished, her father grabbed it.
4. How has sign language influenced your writing?
As a child, there was very little verbal English spoken in my home. My father was profoundly deaf and my mother was hard of hearing. My mom was constantly communicating with my dad in sign language and sometimes she would speak to us kids in English. Because of my mom's hearing, the TV was on all day up at full volume. You could hear my house around the corner due to the constant noise from the TV. We were surrounded by the deafening noise of the TV, even when we went to bed.
I came from a working class background and we did not have any books in the house—so I didn't read books. I read comics, watched films and TV so all of my stimulus was visual. As a result before I sit down to write a chapter, I have to play it like a video in my mind.
At age 14 my mind was blown away by the movie, Dirty Harry. Again, so much of growing up was visual. Sometimes I think that I see myself more as a movie maker than a writer.
5. You have said that you think that villains in children's books are not scary enough. Do you really believe that?
Children like to be frightened and need to learn to deal with fear. Fear also brings an excitement which then brings them on to learn and read and keep turning the pages. That's all that I wanted to do, write a book where kids turned the pages.
Shadowmancer is aimed at older children. Yes it is frightening, but it's also a feel-good story.
6. Do your surroundings inspire you to write? Describe them.
I live in a seculuded churchyard near an old quarry and a wood. Most people think that it is a spooky place, but I just love it. There is nothing more peaceful than to wander through the graves as darkness falls and the mist rises from the marsh, the moonlight bounces from the old gravestones, I just need to look out of the window and I get all of the inspiration that I need.
I can be inspired by anything - my new book is inspired by the dark alleys of London. The rugged cliffs and fierce storms in Ravenscar added something to Shadowmancer.
7. Do you feel that Shadowmancer owes a debt to Tolkien, and C.S. Lewis, and historical adventures by J. Meade Falkner, Russle Thorndike, and Leon Garfield?
If I knew who they were I would say yes, but I didn't start to read until I was sixteen and got into George Orwell. Girls were reading books, so I started reading the books that they were reading to not appear thick. I started with Lord of the Flies, then 1984 and Animal Farm, then Ted Hughes poetry and Sylvia Plath. I was really flattered when one reviewer called Shadowmancer a cross between Roald Dahl and Charles Dickens.
My influences come from films especially seventies American cult films like Taxi Driver and Dirty Harry.
8. Why is there so much evil and violence in your writing?
There may be evil, but darkness makes the light so much brighter. A single ray of sunshine can be blinding when it follows a dark storm. If we look around the world we can see so much evil and violence that kids need to know some hope. They have to be reminded that goodness will always prevail. Evil only conquers when good people sit back and do nothing…
9. You have been called a Christian answer to J.K. Rowling and Phillip Pullman. How do you respond?
Shadowmancer is not a just for Christians, it is a book about good and evil and appeals to Jews and Muslims as well as atheists. I was ordained after youthful experiments with punk rock, druidism, the occult, and transcendental meditation. I read the Qu'ran before reading the Bible and I am just as happy to talk about the Talmud. My writing is informed as much by Judaism and Islam as it the by the Christian tradition. It is the account of an eternal truth.
G.P. Taylor on his eclectic past:
10. How does a high-school drop-out become a best-selling author?
By waiting a long time and studying life. Every experience we have in life is never wasted. Without those experiences, I wouldn't be a best-selling author. It's been a long and hard road shared with a really good companion.
11. You will be coming to America on the Queen Mary II, why is this special for you?
My grandfather left Ireland to come to England and find work. His brother sailed to America for the same reason and they never saw each other again. It will be good to follow in my uncle's footsteps and see the New York skyline come into view. I am an Americaphile and would love Britain to become the 51st state. It's like having a big brother who you know is on your side. People knock America but the world would be a far more dangerous place without them. That is a common view held amongst ordinary people here in the UK. I am so excited to have my book released in the States because it was primarily written for the American market. The ones who have read the import version have really enjoyed it. I hear George W Bush is interested in ghosts - I lecture on the paranormal and would love to tell him some of my encounters.
12. You have three pre-teen daughters, what will you tell them when they ask about your rebel teenage years and later your time in the London Punk Rock scene living in the fast-lane with the Sex Pistols and Johnny Rotten?
I am very open about my early life - all my skeletons are on the outside of the cupboard. My children often ask what was it like to be a weird kid so I tell them, now it's like talking about another person because I have been transformed so much. I do not regret anything, but I do not want my daughters to experiment they way I did.
13. You were brutally attacked while on the police force, what did that teach you about fear?
It taught me that life can be over very quickly and that you have to make the most of every second and always be prepared to meet the Boss. Fear is a very destructive thing and it can be conquered. When I thought I was going to be killed all I could think about was my wife and how cross she would be that I was going to be late home again. Strange what comes into your mind at times like that.
14. You said that it was love at first sight with your wife and you have been together for over 20 years. What did she think when you first began writing Shadowmancer?
When I met Kathy, I knew that I would marry her right away. We went out once, and two weeks later I proposed. When I started writing Shadowmancer, she was pleased that I had actually started to do something she knew I should have done twenty years before. Kathy is very supportive, but also always tells me if she thinks I am being too risqué or near to the bone with what I write.
G.P. Taylor on Faith, Religion, and the Occult:
15. At 16 a voice told you to become a vicar. At 21 it called again. What made your finally listen to the voice inside?
You can only run so far away from G-d before he grabs you by the scruff of the neck and pulls you back. As I grew up he let me grow through the rebellion and just kept waiting for me. He was there on every street corner picking me up dusting me off and then waited until I fell off the road again. Eventually I had to listen to Him, He has a very loud voice and you can't get away.
16. Why did your calling from God scare you so much? Or why did the prospect of becoming a minister scare you so much?
I was from the wrong side of the tracks, kids like me didn't get ordained. It's like Eminem becoming the right hand man to Pat Robertson - an awesome task and not to be treated lightly. After all, we have to answer to Him as ministers for everything we get up to in His Name.
17. How did your years working on the violent streets as a police officer strengthen your faith?
It made you realize that everyone is created for a purpose and that death wasn't the end of life. I have seen death in every shape and form. From kids to oldies in peace and violence. It made sense of all the things I had learned in church - life is tough, wrongdoing has consequences but that everyone is capable of being pulled out of the gutter and redeemed. It also made me understand fully that we are all created equally regardless of race, color or religious belief.
18. What are some of the best things about being a vicar?
Being trusted by people and being allowed to share with them in good times and bad. Being with the lonely and the dying sharing the joys of new life and seeing people grow in their faith.
19. Have you found that teens are becoming more interested in religion? You have said that the occult is the fastest growing faith system among 14-17 year olds. Please discuss.
Teens are not becoming more interested in the Church per se, but there are other faiths that appear more exciting to them. Unfortunately, in some cases the Church of England has gotten rid of the supernatural element of faith and this that what attracts many people to G-d. That is why they get involved in the occult because if you tell people that G-d can't help them then who do they turn to? I believe in a powerful G-d who can change people's lives.
20. How is it that you are an authority on witchcraft and the occult, but are also a vicar? Where does your fascination with the occult come from?
I became interested in the occult at the age of 13 and read everything that I could. At that time, the idea of being a Christian was abhorrent to me. My parents had no time for religion, mainly because they worked so hard.
Before becoming a Christian, I was desperate to find out who God was… a lot of my research into the occult over the years happened with the hopes of discovering God. In the end, I only found him in Christianity.
After all of the research, I was left with the legacy of all of this knowledge. I was fascinated by the scientific value of ghosts. I was asked to pass along this knowledge to other groups. People wanted to know what exactly witchcraft and magic are, what ghosts are, and what are the powers behind these forces. I gained a lot of my experience through talking with people who had experienced these things, visiting sites where these things took place, and leafing through many old volumes.
21. A newspaper article mentions that you have been lecturing on esoteric subjects for 20 year. Like what?
I most often talk about poltergeists, ghosts, witchcraft, and folklore.
22. You have had all types of experience with vampires, Goths, witches, and ghosts. Is that par for the course in Yorkshire?
No, not really - I was just in the wrong place at the wrong time and these things tend to find you. I am not frightened by the occult or spirits so it was me that was always getting involved. Plus being the vicar in a small town that has hundreds, if not thousands, of vampires visit each year, it falls to me to deal with these matters.
23. What statement are you making by making the anti-hero in Shadowmancer, Obadiah Demurral, a sorcerer, murderer, rapacious mine-owner, and ghoul, but also a priest? Who is he based on?
I may be making a few statements:
The ministry in the eighteenth century was too often peopled by third sons of the gentry who had nothing better to do. They weren't particularly spiritual, let alone pleasant. Many were local tyrants who exploited their congregation via the tithing system. I am making a point about the abuse of religious power.
Today there are people in the Church who preach hell and damnation. And there is not much Christian love behind it. They say 'This is evil, that is evil,' but they are not keen on looking at themselves.
Or one another way to look at Obadiah is that maybe he is the person that I could have become-- a shadow self that we all have and are too afraid to talk about.
G.P. Taylor on the reactions to Shadowmancer:
24. Were any of your parishioners surprised when they first read Shadowmancer?
No, they liked it so much that they told me to go home and write another one.
25. Do you think that your parishioners could be more accepting of the occult themes because Whitby is in Dracula country?
I don't think they see the dark themes, they just see the exciting story and adventure. The book is read on many different levels and we bring to it our own agenda. To a child it is a classic adventure for an adult it is a classic gothic novel.
26. Have you had any negative reactions?
I have had the odd letter threatening me with the fires of hell for promoting witchcraft. This is nonsense of course. The book is about good winning over evil. Most evangelicals would not know a witch if one sat next to them on the subway.
Otherwise, the reactions have been overwhelmingly positive.
27. Do you think that people feel that Shadowmancer is a Christian story?
Certainly not. I get letters from people of all faiths claiming it is about their particular way of belief. It's amazing…everyone is claiming it as their own.
To download our Shadowmancer screensaver, click here! (PC Only)
Read more about the book, Shadowmancer.
Sunday, August 14, 2005
Dear Julia Roberts Before You Quit Hollywood
Dear Julia Roberts Before
You Quit Hollywood.
Dear Julia
If I love only three women in the whole world
First will be my darling sweetest heart, my wife
Second will be you, the side attraction of my life
And the third will be my most favourite female leader Yulia
The heroine of Ukraine.
Darling Julia, your flashing white teeth
Are like perfectly cut diamonds in your mouth
Your Mona Lisa smiles are spell minding
Your wide lips tell me you are alluring.
Dear Julia Roberts
Before You Quit Hollywood.
Dear Julia Roberts,
I have just heard that you want to quit acting to concentrate on bringing up your adorable twins. And to me that shows that you are among the most loving mothers in the world. Therefore, I am very proud of you.
But, may I appeal to you to wait until, you have acted in my epic film "Mary Slessor: The Saviour of Twins", because I have already told Lady Oprah Winfrey that you are my first choice to play the Leading Lady in the classic role of Mary Slessor who fought for the abolition of slavery and the abolition of the ritual sacrifice of Twin babies in the colonial region of South Eastern Nigeria in the 19th century.
Mary Slessor was a very attractive and fearless Scottish Missionary who sacrificed the best years of her life to fight against the ritual killing of Twins by the primitive natives of the kingdom of Calabar in West Africa in the 19th Century.
Your experience as a mother of Twins and your empathy will make you the perfect leading actress to play this challenging role of Mary Slessor. And since I have made up my mind on this decision, I will not settle for less.
I hereby appeal to you to reconsider your decision to quit Hollywood until after playing the leading role of Mary Slessor in my classic epic film, "Mary Slessor: The Saviour of Twins". And God who blessed Mary Slessor and gave her the courage and will power to save hundreds of Twins will also bless you to bring up your own Twin babies in love and peace.
Your cooperation and support would be highly appreciated.
God bless.
Yours faithfully,
Ekenyerengozi Michael Chima.
Friday, August 12, 2005
Afro Beat: The Shoki Shoki Dance of Femi Kuti
Ahaah! Oya oh!
Awon omo Naija!
Ijo ti ya
Ijo Africa
Femi the son of Fela
For ever lives Africa
Femi the spirit and the soul of the rumba
The Prince with the Saxophone
Blowing the breath of the spirit into the microphone.
Now here comes Yeni the Princess of Afro Beat
Gyrating to the drum beats with her waist and her feet.
She is the Leading Lady of the African Shrine
Yeni the African amazon and the African heroine.
Oya oh!
Awon omo Anikulapo kuti
Egba lagba Fiditi.
C'mon! Stomp the feet and twist your waist
Stomp and stomp and stomp
And don't stop
This is the Afro Beat rumba
The rumba of the samba.
Make una commot for road.
Femi wants to download.
Give the Prince the space
Give him the room for the robust dance.
Ahaah! Oya! Shoki-shoki-shoki!
Thursday, August 11, 2005
My African Beauty
My African Beauty
Mine Oh! Mine Oh! Mine!
My African beauty.
Oh, my Chocolate baby
You are so pretty.
Everybody knows that you are beautiful
For God made you so wonderful.
Beautiful to behold
And wonderful to hold.
More precious than gold
That cannot be bought or sold.
You are so fine
So golden in the African sunshine.
From your head to your feet
You make heads to turn on the street.
I have never never seen anyone better
Oh, beautiful daughter of Mama Africa.
You are the only one I want forever.
Mine Oh! Mine Oh! Mine!
My African beauty.
Wednesday, August 10, 2005
My Little Red Book of True Love
My Little Red Book of True Love
It was on the night before my wedding day. My mother called me upstairs, to her bedroom. She was trying to hide her tears from me. But, I could still notice the traces of the trickles from the tails of her big brown eyes down to her rosy cheeks.
She brought out a book from the chest she always kept locked under her bed. It was a small red book.
“Take it,” she said below her breath. ‘It’s yours now.”
I accepted it. I held it with my hands and looked at it anxiously and curiously.
She couldn’t give me her diary.
“It was my wedding gift. My mother gave it to me. Her mother had given it to her. She said it was a gift from Jerusalem,” my mother said with her right hand placed on the cover of the book and her left hand placed on my left wrist. “This is my treasure of love without measure for you. Treasure it with your heart and soul.”
I was gazing at her. I was speechless. But not breathless. My heart was throbbing as I was sobbing. My tears came in trickles. Trickles of the ripples in my heart. Trickling down to my cheeks. And my mother embraced me.
“Oh, mama. Oh, mama. Oh, mama.”
“I love you,” I whispered and held her tightly.
She said, “Read the book.”
I opened the book.
“It is a book of secrets. Secrets of the heart. Secrets wrapped in small words. Small words coated with pigments of colours of the most precious moments of our most sacred feelings. Feelings too pure and true to be expressed in ordinary words.Words painted in colour. In beautiful and wonderful colours of the pleasures of falling in love. First with your creator, with yourself and then with your husband and children. Like the colours of the rainbow.”
I have never stopped reading the book and my husband loved it. And we have shared the joys of this book with others.
Even our children loved this book. They would rush to my bedside and whisper, "Mummy. Are you going to read your little red book again?”
I always nodded in consent. Because, I have always believed that there are no greater joys to share than the joys of true love as I have discovered in this book you are holding and reading right now. You will enjoy every word of the verse and the prose in this my little red book of true love.
Tuesday, August 09, 2005
To Sade Adu My Soul Sister
My soul sister Folashade
Do you still remember those days
When you always loved to sit at the feet of Grandma
And listen to her unforgettable old wives' fables
Of the Tortoise and all his tricks.
Once in a while I saw you sitting all alone in the moonlight.
And I was wondering what you were thinking in your delicate heart.
But, I left you alone to your innermost spirit
Because, everyone must seek out his or her own destiny.
To be yourself and let me be myself.
Dear Aunty Folashade Adu,
I want to talk to you.
You are old enough to be a granny
Since you were born in 1959.
But, you have not come to our shrine
To recite your ancestral Oriki.
You prefer to sing and twist your waist
From the sunlight to the moonlight
Only to the delight of the White world
And you turn your back to your homeland
So, you think the Oyinbo white man is the best?
Who told you that the Oyinbo is better than the rest?
But, have you forgotten that good old saying?
That charity begins at home.
So, when are you coming to sing and dance for us?
Just like those wonderful days in our village.
When you always wriggled your tiny waist
To the folktales of Grandma in the night.
Before, your Oyinbo mummy took you away.
And you promised to return one fine day.
When you were now our big sister.
But, you only came to greet Grandma.
Aunty Folashade,
The Oyinbo cannot even pronounce Sha-day
And I laugh at them when they think they are wiser.
So, when are you coming back to Nigeria?
Monday, August 08, 2005
True Love Takes Time
Actress and singer Jennifer Lopez, does not believe in love at first sight and prefers to take her time in matters of the heart.
I composed this poem in honour of J-LO who just said she might quit acting and singing to concentrate on being a good mother. But, I know that she cannot quit what God has blessed her to do to make millions of people happy. Personally, I love Jenifer Lopez, heart and soul. Whether she is married or not. I still love her. The man who truly loves you will do his best to cooperate and support you to succeed in your chosen career as long as the career will not destroy your love. Your career should boost your love life. I mean your career should be a plus and not a minus. So bear with your partner, because True Love Takes Time.
I don’t believe that love is blind
Even if you are out of your mind.
I am not a pretender
I don’t want to be a deceiver.
And I don’t believe in love at first sight
The moonlight is different from the sunlight.
True love takes time
For time will tell
If you truly love me.
As the wind blows
So the river flows.
As my heart beats
So my blood circulates.
For if your heart is broken
Your feelings will be frozen.
True love takes time
For time will tell
If you truly love me.
Roses can be bought on the street
And not all kisses are from the heart.
Love is not a one-night stand
And love is not a trip to Grace land.
When your true love comes
You will know true happiness.
True love takes time
For time will tell
If you truly love me.
I composed this poem in honour of J-LO who just said she might quit acting and singing to concentrate on being a good mother. But, I know that she cannot quit what God has blessed her to do to make millions of people happy. Personally, I love Jenifer Lopez, heart and soul. Whether she is married or not. I still love her. The man who truly loves you will do his best to cooperate and support you to succeed in your chosen career as long as the career will not destroy your love. Your career should boost your love life. I mean your career should be a plus and not a minus. So bear with your partner, because True Love Takes Time.
I don’t believe that love is blind
Even if you are out of your mind.
I am not a pretender
I don’t want to be a deceiver.
And I don’t believe in love at first sight
The moonlight is different from the sunlight.
True love takes time
For time will tell
If you truly love me.
As the wind blows
So the river flows.
As my heart beats
So my blood circulates.
For if your heart is broken
Your feelings will be frozen.
True love takes time
For time will tell
If you truly love me.
Roses can be bought on the street
And not all kisses are from the heart.
Love is not a one-night stand
And love is not a trip to Grace land.
When your true love comes
You will know true happiness.
True love takes time
For time will tell
If you truly love me.
Sunday, August 07, 2005
My Soul Brother Keziah Jones
My Soul Brother Keziah Jones
Once upon a time
In a foreign clime
Where the snowflakes fall
And the snowman stands in front of the White Hall
Where the lounge lizards nod at the wallflowers
And the old maids still daydream of bridal showers.
I met you walking tall
Arm in arm with the belle of the ball.
They called you the Don Juan of the disco
But, I told them that you are still my soul brother, Omo Eko.
Saturday, August 06, 2005
Symphony of Love
This my poem "Symphony of Love" is in honour of Lara St.John who is the muse of the violin. And I am totally overwhelmed by her genius and I want to bring her to Nigeria to thrill my people in a classical performance to the recital of my poems.
Come my lovely Lara
Come and join me in the sonata
Come my fairest lady
Come loving muse of my melody.
I have been waiting for so long
To sing you my love song.
Now will you let me tickle your fancy?
Now will you let me show you how much I love you?
What is the passion for life without love?
They say life is not a bed of roses
But I believe love can be our bed of roses
To comfort us from the thorns of life.
I will welcome you with my kisses on the street
And I will spread roses beneath your angelic feet.
Symphony of Love
I heard the echo in the sky
As the birds of summer were flying by
I heard your voice ringing
As you were singing
Like when an angel sings
And I was listening beneath your wings
I started to pluck my heartstrings
To join my beloved in the melody and harmony
In the duet of our unchained symphony
As beloved Orpheus plays his flute for the daughters of Jove
In the ballet of the symphony of love.
Friday, August 05, 2005
No not one
Jesus Christ said on the Cross."It's finished."
I have to share this wonderful hymn with you.
Many church goers will know it. Because, it is a very popular hymn.
The words are awesome!
No not one
There’s not a friend like the lowly Jesus
No not one! No not one!
None else could heal our soul’s disease
No not one! Not not one!
Jesus knows all about our struggles
He will guide till the day is done
There’s not a friend like the lowly Jesus
No not one! No not one!
No friend like him is so high and holy
No not one! No not one!
And yet no friend is so meek and lowly
No not one! No not one!
There is not an hour that he’s not near us
No not one! No not one!
No night so dark, but his love can cheer us
No not one! No not one!
Did ever saint find this friend forsake him
No not one! No not one!
Or sinners find that he would not take him
No not one! No not one!
Was e’ever a gift like the saviour given?
No not one! No not one!
Will he refuse us a home in heaven?
No not one! No not one!
I have to share this wonderful hymn with you.
Many church goers will know it. Because, it is a very popular hymn.
The words are awesome!
No not one
There’s not a friend like the lowly Jesus
No not one! No not one!
None else could heal our soul’s disease
No not one! Not not one!
Jesus knows all about our struggles
He will guide till the day is done
There’s not a friend like the lowly Jesus
No not one! No not one!
No friend like him is so high and holy
No not one! No not one!
And yet no friend is so meek and lowly
No not one! No not one!
There is not an hour that he’s not near us
No not one! No not one!
No night so dark, but his love can cheer us
No not one! No not one!
Did ever saint find this friend forsake him
No not one! No not one!
Or sinners find that he would not take him
No not one! No not one!
Was e’ever a gift like the saviour given?
No not one! No not one!
Will he refuse us a home in heaven?
No not one! No not one!
Wednesday, August 03, 2005
Before I Fall in Love...
Here are some of my poetic tickles
For your romantic giggles.
Just read and share the poetic chips
They will make you smack your lips.
Before I Fall in Love
Before I fall in love
I will look before I leap
Because the Red Sea is very deep.
Because, falling in love is like plunging into the ocean
If you cannot swim, you will drown.
Don’t Fall in Love With Mr. Singleton Simpleton
Don’t fall in love with Mr. Singleton Simpleton
When you know he is half a moron
Even if he pretends to be Lord Byron
He is only playing the clown
Don’t fall in love with Mr. Singleton Simpleton.
Don’t Fall in Love with Dick the Prick
Please, don’t fall in love with Dick the Prick
Don't mistake him for Dick Tracy
Don’t be dazed or fazed by his fallacy
Don’t be carried away in your fantasy
Don’t slip away in the momentary ecstasy
The fact that he is called Dick
Tells you that he is a prick.
For your romantic giggles.
Just read and share the poetic chips
They will make you smack your lips.
Before I Fall in Love
Before I fall in love
I will look before I leap
Because the Red Sea is very deep.
Because, falling in love is like plunging into the ocean
If you cannot swim, you will drown.
Don’t Fall in Love With Mr. Singleton Simpleton
Don’t fall in love with Mr. Singleton Simpleton
When you know he is half a moron
Even if he pretends to be Lord Byron
He is only playing the clown
Don’t fall in love with Mr. Singleton Simpleton.
Don’t Fall in Love with Dick the Prick
Please, don’t fall in love with Dick the Prick
Don't mistake him for Dick Tracy
Don’t be dazed or fazed by his fallacy
Don’t be carried away in your fantasy
Don’t slip away in the momentary ecstasy
The fact that he is called Dick
Tells you that he is a prick.
Monday, August 01, 2005
You cannot love God if you hate your Brother
There is something that God said in the Holy Bible.
He said that if you say you love God and you hate your brother, you are a liar.
"If a person says, "I love God," but that person hates his brother or sister in Christ, then that person is a liar. That person can see his brother, but hates him. So, that person cannot love God, because, he has never seen God." 2 JOHN 4:20.
But, many of us are guilty of this sin in so many ways in our lip service to God, playing church. From the usher to the minister.
The miserable poor people in church are still there and most of us have not done much to help them. Please, to understand this message, read MATTHEW 25:34-46 of the KJV Holy Bible.
People often will give all the money they have to the church, but they cannot even give ten dollars to their poor brother or sister. And they will even tell you, "I cannot give you this money that I am going to contribute to our church project. Sorry, I don't have another sum of money to spare." But, it is a lie! And they will go to church to fool themselves thinking they can fool God. The offerings of hypocrites are abominations unto the Lord God. But, the equally hypocritical crook and rogue claiming to be a pastor or bishop will collect all the ill-gotten money and gifts and use them to enrich himself and family. Hypocrites and parasites posing and posturing to be Christians and pious people of God. But they don't know him.
Most churches don't like to see poor people coming to their church. They prefer to see the rich and mighty parking their posh cars to come into the church. Because, they are already counting all the sums of money they can get from the rich and mighty people coming to their church.
Many churches have become trade fairs and fund raising centres.
If you don't love your fellow human being as your love yourself, you don't know God.
It is wicked to make things difficult for others. Because, it is very evil to frustrate others and to discourage them in their efforts to earn their means of decent livelihood and to be of benefit to their family and community.
We must do all we can do to make life better and comfortable for our fellow human beings.
To deprive others of the means and opportunities for better and comfortable life is an evil and wicked thing to do.
Whoever is cheating, exploiting, robing, discouraging and frustrating others is not different from the devil and such an evil person is even worse than Osama bin Laden. And these evil and wicked devils are among us in our homes, workplaces, in churches, mosques, shrines, streets, roads, alleys and other places, mingling with us and doing more harm than good to the rest of us. Wolves in sheep clothing.
If we could only oblige to do our best to help others as much as we help ourselves to succeed, the world would be more beautiful and wonderful for the common good of everyone, regardless of your race, religion or class.
We must humble ourselves to care for everyone and love everyone.
Everybody is somebody.
He said that if you say you love God and you hate your brother, you are a liar.
"If a person says, "I love God," but that person hates his brother or sister in Christ, then that person is a liar. That person can see his brother, but hates him. So, that person cannot love God, because, he has never seen God." 2 JOHN 4:20.
But, many of us are guilty of this sin in so many ways in our lip service to God, playing church. From the usher to the minister.
The miserable poor people in church are still there and most of us have not done much to help them. Please, to understand this message, read MATTHEW 25:34-46 of the KJV Holy Bible.
People often will give all the money they have to the church, but they cannot even give ten dollars to their poor brother or sister. And they will even tell you, "I cannot give you this money that I am going to contribute to our church project. Sorry, I don't have another sum of money to spare." But, it is a lie! And they will go to church to fool themselves thinking they can fool God. The offerings of hypocrites are abominations unto the Lord God. But, the equally hypocritical crook and rogue claiming to be a pastor or bishop will collect all the ill-gotten money and gifts and use them to enrich himself and family. Hypocrites and parasites posing and posturing to be Christians and pious people of God. But they don't know him.
Most churches don't like to see poor people coming to their church. They prefer to see the rich and mighty parking their posh cars to come into the church. Because, they are already counting all the sums of money they can get from the rich and mighty people coming to their church.
Many churches have become trade fairs and fund raising centres.
If you don't love your fellow human being as your love yourself, you don't know God.
It is wicked to make things difficult for others. Because, it is very evil to frustrate others and to discourage them in their efforts to earn their means of decent livelihood and to be of benefit to their family and community.
We must do all we can do to make life better and comfortable for our fellow human beings.
To deprive others of the means and opportunities for better and comfortable life is an evil and wicked thing to do.
Whoever is cheating, exploiting, robing, discouraging and frustrating others is not different from the devil and such an evil person is even worse than Osama bin Laden. And these evil and wicked devils are among us in our homes, workplaces, in churches, mosques, shrines, streets, roads, alleys and other places, mingling with us and doing more harm than good to the rest of us. Wolves in sheep clothing.
If we could only oblige to do our best to help others as much as we help ourselves to succeed, the world would be more beautiful and wonderful for the common good of everyone, regardless of your race, religion or class.
We must humble ourselves to care for everyone and love everyone.
Everybody is somebody.
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